3 - Dance For Me (not edited)

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Video: I Fall Apart by Post Malone

Just a reminder: The following chapter has not been edited yet by myself. This is a first raw rough draft. Please keep that in mind while reading. The writing might not be as fleshed out as past chapters. I'm taking a break from this book but have 6 or so chapters written that I want to post for all my readers. I'll be back to this book after NANO is over. In the mean time check out By Winter's End. If you enjoyed Breaking Eden then you WILL enjoy that book as well. Trust me. : 0 ) In the mean time here is what I have written the past few weeks just haven't had the time or energy to do self edits.



3 – Dance For Me

The next evening Matilda sat Eden in front of the vanity and began to brush out her hair. The women were deep in conversation.

"You have such beautiful hair." Matilda smiled behind her, continuing to brush the same area until the hair was silky soft and smooth to the touch.

"Declan doesn't think so. He doesn't even like the sight of me."

"That isn't true."

"It is!"

"You should hear him speak about you when you aren't around." She winked at Eden. "He thinks very highly of you."

Eden couldn't help but laugh. There is no ounce of like coming from him. Don't fall for it. It's a trick. They want your guard down. Don't believe a word of it.

"Declan enjoys all of his girls."

Eden's smile disappeared. Of course he does. They're all brainwashed loons who allow him to do whatever it is that he wants with them. Kind of like how you allowed him to please you with his- STOP! She didn't want to remember that incident. It was a terrible lapse in judgment. She didn't ask for him to do that. Declan just did it because he could. He had all the control while Eden had nothing.

And you allowed it to happen! She stared at her reflection, hating herself more than ever. What was I suppose do to? Huh? Smack him and get the shit beat out of me? And there you have it. The brainwashing has begun. Soon you'll become one of them.

"Don't look so glum, Dearie." Matilda hadn't a clue about the war going on inside Eden's head.  "Jealousy doesn't suit you. You're too pretty for that sin."

"Anyway, you should be excited. He's brought you something special for your meeting tonight."

Eden turned in her seat. "A pair of knee pads?"

"Why on Earth would he get you those, dear?" Matilda moved Eden back to face the mirror so she can finish curling her hair. Her slim fingers worked fast at pulling small sections up, pinning it in place.

"What did he bring me then?"

"Let me finish your hair. Then we can open gifts." Matilda giggled. "I knew you'd be excited."

But Eden wasn't excited, not really, because Declan's gifts would come with strings attached. What would he want in return? I'm body, my mouth, or my cunt? The thought not only chilled her but depressed her. I don't want any of that. Then fight him. Don't let him hurt you like Keelan did.

Matilda set the curling iron aside and disappeared into the closet, leaving Eden alone with her thoughts.

But if I fight him he won't learn to trust me. If he doesn't trust me then I won't be invited to the ball. And you know what will happen if you don't go the ball. Three more months of hell and you'll need to win him over again. Do you really want that to happen? Eden felt trapped, like a caged animal. The bars around her were closing in, suffocating her.

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