19 - The Job Offer (3/30/2019 New Content)

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Video: The Dope Show by Marilyn Manson

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The Job Offer

"This all sounds too good to be true." Eden eyed Diamond suspiciously, wondering what it would involve, or if it were even legal. "But explain."

"After me and Declan fucked."

Eden couldn't help but grimace at the visual of them together.

"What's wrong with you?" Diamond changed into her street clothes, a loose-fitting top and sweats and continued. "Girl, that man is fine as hell for a white boy, and you know it!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he's an asshole." Eden stressed the last word. "Dee, you seriously had sex with him?"

Diamond stared at Eden like she was a special kind of stupid.

"No bitch, we played Twister and I accidentally fell on his dick over and over until he came all over my tits. Of course I fucked him. Who wouldn't?" She laughed. "Hell, with a dick his I don't care how he acts. As long as he puts out and I get off, I'm good."

Eden waved her hands out in front of her to make her stop talking. "No. No. No. Hell to the fuck no." How could one of the strongest women she knew say that? "First off, not trying to sound childish but gross, way too much information. And secondly, just 'cuz he's hot and supposedly has a big cock doesn't mean he has the right to treat people like shit."

Diamond raised an eyebrow in question.

"I never said he had a big cock." Diamond's eyes widened when Eden flushed a bright scarlet. "You little whore! I knew it! You saw his cock and weren't going to tell me? I thought we were friends."

"In my defense, I didn't actually see it. I just-" Eden thought back to the brief lap dance and his growing thickness. "-sort of felt it through his pants."

"He may be a little rough around the edges, but he made sure I came first. Not many men are that courteous. They just cum and leave."

"Well give the man a metal! That just changes everything." Eden rolled her eyes. "I thought you were different from those girls."

"And what girls are you referring to?"

"The ones who condone abuse and bad behavior because he's hot and rich."

"Girl, get the fuck outta here with that shit." Diamond was quick to brush Eden off. "You're actin' like I'm marryin' the mother fucker. We fucked. That's it. And look at this." She pulled a roll of cash from the folds of clothes and tossed it at Eden without warning, "He gave me that for my all my efforts."

Eden caught the thick roll of cash, undid the rubber band, and counted the bills.

"Holy shit." She looked up from the money clutched in her hands and stared wide-eyed up at Diamond. "Dee, this is five grand."

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