Option #1 - Rude Awakenings (7/25/18 New Chapter)

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Video: Weapon of War by Cat Pierce

Vote for the kidnaping you think is best. Which one should make it to the published book of Breaking Eden?

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Option #2 will be posted tomorrow.


Choose Your Own Kidnapping

Option #1

Rude Awakenings

Time slipped by slowly after Diamond left Eden alone with her thoughts. Consumed with regret and worried about what was to come for this, she finished up her bath as quickly as she could and decided to call it a night.

Her arms where sore from where Declan pulled her from the water, and a part of her knew she would have bruises in the morning. Wrapping a towel tightly around her self, she stepped from the bath and went about drying her body and hair.

At least she felt clean, that's all that she worried about now. The rest was history that couldn't be erased, no matter how badly she wanted it to be.

She opened the window nearest her bed to gain a little fresh air before crawling underneath the thick covers.

That was, of course, a few hours ago.

Now, Eden was left tossing around in bed, trapped in the depths of restless sleep. Her cluttered dreams went from happy images of opening nights at Harvey's to something entirely sinister. As the night wore on, Eden struggled to gain control over her nightmares.  

Harold Humphrey had made an appearance, as did Declan, but something was different this time around. Humphrey never tried to kiss her so that dreaded slap never occurred. Instead, after a pleasant dance, the pair parted, going their separate ways. Declan swooped in, and in her dreams, he was the kindest gentleman, genuine smiles, and light touches that left her feeling content in his arms.

He showered her with the attention she had craved so much from him, and when he begged for a kiss, she shook her head, teasing him just a tiny bit before giving into him.

It was magnificent, the kiss, equal parts tender and passionate that left her desiring more.

Only when Eden opened her eyes to tell him such things, it wasn't Declan she was breaking a kiss with, it was Harold Humphrey.

As she struggled against him, tried her best to pull away from his disgusting mouth. That same putrid smell washed over her, overpowering her senses and intoxicating her.  

A crowd had gathered around them, chanting in unison as they tightened around the pair.

Humphrey's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he opened his mouth wide, exposing rows upon rows of needle-like teeth. There was a sickening crack as his jaw unhinged. It grew lower and lower until he leaned forward, devouring Eden headfirst like a snake eating its prey.

Eden bolted upright in bed, gasping for air. A scream threatened to slip past her lips as she searched the darkness for the monster plaguing her nightmares.

It was only a dream. Eden fell back against her pillows with a heavy sigh and brushed some tangled hair out of her face.

The room was unreasonably quiet without the soothing hum of a fan, and the air was too stuffy for her to get anywhere near comfortable.

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