7 - Their First Meeting... (2/23/2021 update)

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Video: Video: Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend by Marilyn Monroe

Feel free to tell me what you honestly think and rip it apart, good or bad, I'm all ears. I'm in the middle of doing final self edits before I start looking for Beta readers. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)



Their first meeting...

Eden's POV

Dread settled in the pit of Eden's stomach, churning like molten lava as they reached the back of the theater. They passed a number of high-backed booths, whose velvet seats held the elite, the ones who could afford such VIP luxury.

Its nerves. You haven't done this before. Another concern bubbled up, causing her to rethink her choice. What if he's old and shriveled up like the crypt keeper?

Harvey abruptly stopped, creating a chain reaction that nearly sent him to the floor and Eden tumbling after. He rounded on her, his hands smoothing out his suit jacket. "Pull yourself together."

He motioned up ahead. "Do you need a moment?"

Closing her eyes, she steeled her nerves and slipped into her stage persona. "Okay. Let's do this." Yet that churning remained.

A few more steps brought them to the yawning mouth of booth 11.

"I've brought you the sweetest peach Harvey's has to offer." He motioned Eden forward with a flick of his hand.

When she stepped to his side and glanced up from the toes of her heels, she was taken aback. He's definitely not the Crypt Keeper.

The man was in his mid to late thirties, possibly early forties, with a semi-muscular build. He wore an expensive looking navy-blue suit which complimented his physique. Chin length, dirty blond hair framed his handsome face, and a well maintenance beard completed his rugged, yet clean, look.

But there was something off-putting about his smile, almost animalistic. His lips revealed two rows of straight, white teeth. He watched her like a hunter would its prey.

That grin is not to be trusted. The thought burned within her mind.

"Declan Payne, I'd like to introduce you to Eden Burrows." Harvey's hand dropped to the small of her back. When she didn't move to speak, he gave her a gentle nudge of encouragement. "Say hello, Eden."

"Hello, Mr. Payne."

"Please, call me Declan." He scooted deeper into the U-shaped booth.

She slid in next to him with ease and extended her hand, building a barrier between them. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Declan."

He grasped her fingers and brought them to his lips. Never once did his gaze stray from hers.

"I assure you, the pleasure is all mine, Ms. Burrows."

Damn, he's smooth. Her cheeks flushed. Get it together, sister.

She stole a glance at Harvey who struggled to crawl into the booth. He righted himself with a huff and grinned.

"So," She ran her fingers up Declan's arm. "is this your first time at Harvey's?"

"Yes, actually it is. An associate of mine recommended it. Told me to check the place out the next time I was in town." He stopped her hand from going any higher than his forearm. "So here I am, with you of all people."

"Well, you're certainly in great hands." Harvey steepled his fingers. "Eden's my top girl and knows to treat you kindly. Isn't that right?"

"Of course. I'm here to fulfill your every desire." She repeated the lines Diamond claimed worked wonders on her clients. "Would you like that, Mr. Payne?"

"Please, call me Declan." His hand found her thigh and drew soft circles against her skin. She wasn't fond of him touching her. "I look forward to our time together."

Harvey cleared his throat. It was time to talk business.

"When you're ready, Mr. Payne, Eden will take you back to Cats Alley. Your reservation is for suite six. It's our finest room available. I'm sure you'll be pleased with its amenities. Once you lock the door, your time begins. You'll have one hour together." His gaze shifted to Eden. "I believe you can work out the finer details among yourselves?"

"Sounds fair." Declan brushed loose curls behind Eden's shoulder. "You shouldn't hide behind all that hair." His fingers grazed her cheek. She flinched.

"I didn't peg you as being shy." His predator smile remained unmoving.

Leaning into his touch, she offered a flirtatious laugh. "I can assure you, I'm not in the least bit shy."

His fingers now trailed down her back. "I suppose we'll find out later."

The lights in the auditorium flashed once, then twice, signifying the start of a new performance. All conversation ceased to exist. The sound of clinking glasses and squeaking chairs filled the air as the audience settled in.

"Diamond preforming next." She glanced up and caught Declan staring. "Would you like to stay? She's incredible."

"I'm sure she is." His hand moved from her lower back. "I've an eye for talent."

The lights dimmed overhead, sending the room deeper into shadows. Ricky appeared from between the swaying curtains, a white spotlight illuminated his every move.

"It's starting!" She clapped her hands in childlike excitement before balling them in her lap. The feel of Declan's gaze lingered. It didn't go unnoticed.

"And we're back!" Ricky announced. "Who here remembers a woman named Marilyn Monroe?" A flutter of claps and hoots echoed throughout the audience. "What if I said I got somethin' sexier."

A loud, drawn out whistle rang out from somewhere near the front of the audience.

Ricky pointed towards a man and let loose a booming laugh. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about! This sister can dance. She can sing. And let me tell you somethin', she sure as hell knows how to entertain a mother-fuckin' crowd. Give it up for Diamond Hastings!" He left the stage to the growing rumble of the audience.

The curtains parted, revealing nothing but a dark and empty stage. Low murmurs swept through the crowd. There came a mechanical click high above. In the blink of an eye, everything was bathed in blue haze. Confetti rain down, transforming the stage into a glittering mass of silver snowfall.

Diamond was lowered from the ceiling, perched beautifully on her swing. Her hair was done up and littered with sparkling jeweled clips. They twinkled beneath the lights and matched the intricate diamond pattern of her necklace. She sat regal and stone like, floating above them all. Then she began to sing.

"The French are glad tooooo-" Her voice rang out powerful, it demanded attention. "die for love."

"They delight in fightinnnnng-" A playfully kick of her legs sent the swing into motion. "duels."

"But I preferrrrr a man who livesssss." She belted out as her heels skimmed the stage. "And giveeeees expensivvvvve..."

With a flick of a hand, Diamond pulled the release on her safety harness and sprang to her feet. "JEWELS!"

Men stormed the stage, wearing nothing more than black ties and cock socks.

"A kiss on the hand

May be quite continental

But diamonds are a girl's best friend!

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