12 - Day fourteen (Unedited)

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Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Consider sharing this book on social media and with others who may enjoy it and help get Breaking Eden noticed by Wattpad. Thanks for reading! :0) 


12 – Day fourteen

Eden awoke to damp cheeks, partially from sweat, but mostly from tears. Every time she closed her eyes to rest, she relived that final night with Keelan. The scar under her ribs would burn or itch as though it were fresh, and her jaw would ache something fierce. Then she'd find herself running her fingertips lightly over the scar on her cheek.

Keelan was right. Whether it be her mind or her scars, he was always there.

That darkness still lingered inside of her though, reminded her of all the good times. IT was during those times that Eden missed him the most. It wasn't his body she caved; it was something as simple as his company. There were good times, although the bad did far outnumbered the good, but they were there all the same.

Eden missed how Keelan would listen to her talk, how he'd hold her while she cried and how he'd tell her he loved her when no one else did, how he promised to always protect her and that she was his and he was her. For eternity.

Now Keelan was gone, locked way like an animal for the rest of his miserable life. Kind of like how she was locked away in this tiny room which had quickly become her personal hell.

She craved so badly to gain Declan's attention, his affection. But nothing she ever did seemed to please him. While rolling to her back, Eden wondered if signing his contract would change the way he saw her. Would he show her affection, kindness? Or would he just continue on as normal.

Eden feared nothing would ever change with Declan. She would remain under his command and would never receive an ounce of love, only pain, only beatings.

Her eyes filled with tears that leaked down the corners of her eyes. Should I given in and listen to him? Offer him a chance to show me things would be different? But what if I sign and not a damn think changes other than giving him permission to use my body like Keelan did so many years ago?

Her face scrunched up in the darkness as a sob shook her. There it was. That same burning ache with her groin telling her to give into Declan. To allow him to use her body just so she could feel that bond again.

What's wrong with me? Another sob shook Ehen's shoulders.

Her foundation was crumbling around her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was afraid. Afraid of caving in. Afraid of becoming like the other. She needed to be strong, to deny Declan and prove her unbreakable resilience. But in truth Eden missed the feel of his hands on her skin. The way a single touch sent her nerves firing, craving more of him.

Eden's hand slipped between her leg and Declan's word rang through her mind.

"You fight me, yet your body betrays you." She spoke as her fingers became slick with her arousal.

The tears on her cheeks weren't even dry but she allowed herself this tiny moment. Her mind flooded with images of Declan, his hands roaming her body. How his, with the help of her hips, brought her to her first squirting orgasm. How, instead of shaming her, Declan told her he wished it happened on his cock.

The images flashed, changing to Eden on her knees in the dining room, the toe of his shoe toying with her.

"Declan." Eden moaned his name as her fingers moved faster. She speared her thighs wide, exposing her inner lips which were now plump and hot with arousal. No one could feel her desire.

In her fantasy, Declan was inside of her, thrusting almost unforgivingly into her, stretching her open with his thick cock. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

Here in her fantasy, there was no contract to be signed, no fighting to be had, and above all, the only pain caused was by extreme pleasure. From the way he held her down to the way he drove his hips into her over and over only added to that burning pit of desire.

They were two people consumed with the savage need of sex. Only Declan didn't know that the feeling of his body, his skin against hers was what she craved most. It was that same simple closeness.

"Do you want me, Eden?" Declan asked.

"Yes." Eden pulled his lips down to hers as another moan escaped her. "I want all of you."

Within seconds, Eden orgasmed harder than she ever had before, admitting it was the push she needed.

Her hips jerked, spasming against her frantic fingers which worked hard to draw out her pleasure, yet she remained silent, unable to cry out her released. But in her fantasy, Eden came loudly, crying out Declan's name against his shoulder as he relentlessly continued his pounding rhythm until he came inside of her. His hips spasming just like hers and when his high ended, he kissed her with such gentleness she cried.

Declan's true emotions came forth with a single affection touch, raw and painful, must like her own, yet they suffered together in unadulterated bliss. It revealed that he wanted her just as badly, if not more, as she wanted him. She could work with that, but was it only a figment of her fantasy or was it real? She didn't know but the urge to find out was great.

Eden rolled to her side, curling her legs against her chest and laid in the darkness, waiting for something, anything, to change.   

Words: 1,118

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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