8 - Day seven/ Ben's story (Unedited)

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I hope to have another chapter up tomorrow at some point. This chapter gets really gross so beware. Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! :0)


8 – Day seven/ Ben tells a story

Eden opened her eyes and was greeted by the same inky darkness which hovered around her, clinging to her like a cloud of despair. It wished to suffocate her, to squeeze until the last bit of air was exhaled past her lips. No matter how many times she willed it to leave her be, to grant her a small moment peace by replacing itself with light or perhaps the gentle rays of sunshine, it lingered. It stayed where it laid, and it mocked her.

The napkin Ben gave her was long since gone and with it went her ability to eat. Once again, Eden held strong and was stubborn as ever. Dumping food into that makeshift toilet from hell quickly became the best part of her day. She developed a sick satisfaction with destroying Declan's food.

A small part of Eden though that maybe this act would bring Ben back to her, like before. Would make him return to urge her to eat. Or maybe that small part of her was hoping Declan would come for her.

It was the sinister side that craved him, worked to gain his approval, and it made Eden sick.

She couldn't take it, the room. Filled with hot and stale air which now reeked of shit, urine, and spoiled food. The scent remained not matter how tightly she resealed the lid.

Sweat clung to and dripped down Eden's skin. It did so without her even moving. She lay flat on her back with her feet pressed high up on the wall opposite her. Every ounce of energy within her body was spent on nothing but laying on a wooden floor and trying not to vomit due to the heat and smell if the tiny room.

She couldn't bring herself to rush towards the slot anymore when it opened. It no longer mattered because, to them, Eden no longer mattered. She was a chore. They were to feed and water her, nothing more. They never lingered, never spoke, they did nothing but bring trays of food she never ate and never supplied her enough water.

"It's so hot." Her voice cracked, silencing her as hhe licked her lips and took her time to speak. "I can't breathe. I can't see. It's getting harder to think clearly. And as I sleep by dreams are plagued by the past, I locked away year ago. Why are you making me remember?"

Eden held her eyes closed. Within her mind a spotlight shone down, illuminating her naked form. Surrounding her was the same inky black but she knew this darkness was different. The void circled her in its nonexistent current, lashing out its smoky tendrils tipped with black claws.

Take me. Please. Eden tried stepping outside the circle of light and was held back, denied. Shield me from my thoughts.

No. The word was drawn out by billions of voices. Then all spoke at once. Remember. Keelan. Yes, the brother. Your lover. Father to a child conceived in sin. Remember him. Remember everything or be doomed to repeat it.

"Stop." Eden slammed her fist against the wall. "Don't make me remember the rest."

Tears slipped from the corners of her hair, mixing with the sweat at her temples before dripping into her hair. "I'll remember anything else. Just not this."

Metal scraped against metal. The tiny door opened, pulling Eden from the hell that took hold of her mind. She listened for the familiar swoosh of a tray being pushed into the room, but nothing came. There was only silence.

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