2 - Fifth Day with no Food (not edited)

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Video: In The Air Tonight by Kelly Sweet

The following chapter has not been edited yet by myself. This is a first raw rough draft. Please keep that in mind while reading. The writing might not be as fleshed out as past chapters. I'm taking a break from this book but have 6 or so chapters written that I want to post for all my readers. I'll be back to this book after NANO is over. In the mean time check out By Winter's End. If you enjoyed Breaking Eden then you WILL enjoy that book as well. Trust me. : 0 ) In the mean time here is what I have written the past few weeks just haven't had the time or energy to do self edits. 


2 - Fifth Day with no Food

Another five days passed by in a crawl. Morning morphed into afternoons and before she knew it the moon was out and high in the sky while she remained trapped in her prison. Eden could focus on nothing but making it to the next auction ball.

With no food in her belly, her senses weren't as strong, her thoughts clouded and incoherent. She spent most of her time in bed now, occasionally getting out with use the bathroom. And it's been days since she showered. She figured if she smelled terrible Declan wouldn't want to touch her or have anything to do with her.

With a shaky hand, Eden brought the glass of water to her lips and took a long drink.

Matilda was busy in the bathroom filling the tub for Eden's bath. She had finally had enough of Eden's antics and was putting her foot down. That morning she'd stormed into the room and thrown the curtains open to bring some natural light back into the room.

"You smell like a pig pen." Matilda tone was harsh but true. Eden was fully aware of her pungent smell, but she didn't care. She was too hungry and too exhausted to give a shit.

But now she hadn't a choice. She was to get into the tub or face Declan.  

Eden stood up from the bed a little too fast. Her vision blurred, wavering as all the objects around her shifted, doubled, then morphed back together. Then she saw nothing but darkness as her knees buckled beneath her and she fell backward onto the bed.

Matilda found her slumped on the edge of the bed, with her hands braced on her thighs to stop herself from falling forward onto the hard wooden floor.


There came a slight sting against Eden's numbed cheek, awakening slightly her from her daze. Her vision began to clear in one eye. She was no longer perched on the bed. Instead, she had somehow rolled onto the floor and she had a clear view of the groves in the floorboards.

Footsteps hurried towards her. Hands rolled Eden to her back and a face appeared. A worried frown settled over Matilda's brow. "What -" Eden tried to make sense of what had just occurred but couldn't. She was standing up to get into the bath and then - she couldn't remember. "-happened?"

"Your foolishness is going to kill you." Matilda's lips pressed into a firm line of disapproval. "Such a stubborn girl!" She hoisted Eden up, struggling to drag her onto the bed. "A little help would suffice." She grunted through clenched teeth.

Eden began to claw at the covers strewn across the bed in an attempt to help. In the end, they managed to get her up. All Eden could do was lay there on her side as the world came back together.

"I will not tolerate this any longer." Matilda slumped on the corner of the bed. "You've given me no other choice. I'm getting Declan. He'll sort you out right quick."

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα