2- Declan Comes Home Early (not edited)

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Video: Sorry by Halsey

Just a reminder: The following chapter has not been edited yet by myself. This is a first raw rough draft. Please keep that in mind while reading. The writing might not be as fleshed out as past chapters. I'm taking a break from this book but have 6 or so chapters written that I want to post for all my readers. I'll be back to this book after NANO is over. In the mean time check out By Winter's End. If you enjoyed Breaking Eden then you WILL enjoy that book as well. Trust me. : 0 ) In the mean time here is what I have written the past few weeks just haven't had the time or energy to do self edits.



2- Declan Comes Home Early (Bonus Chapter)

***Declan's POV***

Declan came home early to find Eden in the dinning room. She remained on her hands and knees, hovering above the food bin in a trance like state. He paused only to spot a few scraps of food left at the bottom.

She did well but failed to satisfy his request. Her obeying his demand brought a genuine smile to his lips, the first in days. He had outright believed he'd return to find Eden sitting in front of an untouched bin. Perhaps he misjudged her defiantness. But he still needed to punish her.

An odd discomfort settled over him as he took his coat off to lie over the back of a dinning chair. As he unbuttoned each of his cuffs and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows he realized that he didn't necessarily want to punish Eden even though he knew he would have to.

It can wait a day. He watched Eden lift a clump of cold potato to her mouth and changed direction. Instead of attending Eden he went into the kitchen in search of Matilda. He wanted a progress update.

Matilda was busy running the kitchen staff, ordering her little worker bees around with grace and speed. "Home before diner, are we?" She wiped her flour-covered hands over her apron and approached.

                  "How was she today?" Declan asked before kissing Matilda's cheek.

                  Matilda reached up to loosen Declan's tie. "That girl is a strong one."

                  "Those are the hardest to break."

                  "As they should be." She slid the tie from his neck and folded it neatly in half. "Shall I run you a bath? I can send up one of the girls to service your needs if your needs need to be met."

                  "You're too good to me." He pulled her into his arms for a quick embrace. "What did I ever do to disserve you?"

                  "Your mother, God rest her soul, was my family." Matilda looked up. "You are my family. Well look after our own, yes?"

                  "That we do, old girl."

                  "Now you're speaking rubbish!" She batted his arm. "I'll have you know that Eden hadn't moved from that spot since you left."


                  "She wouldn't even accept a glass of water when I offered it."

                  Declan cocked his head.

                  "Don't look at me like that." Matilda flicked her wrist at him. "I wasn't going to deny the girl water. That would be utterly barbaric."

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن