15 - Two Girls, One Dance (Part 2) (2/23/2019 New Content)

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Here is part two. I split the chapter up because I haded so much to it that it was nearly 5,000 words and I didn't want anyone to think it was too long. 

Chapter 16 will be posted soon. It's a brand new chapter. 



Two Girls, One Dance (part two)

When he glanced down at Eden, her eyes were lingering on his lips and he couldn't help but notice the slight upturned corner of her mouth. "As for you." He gave her wrists a firm squeeze. "You will offer me your body willingly and without modesty. I want to see your release overtake you. Understood? You aren't to look away from me."

Eden nodded.

"Say it."

"I won't look away from you."

If only Declan could will himself to press his lips against that tiny smile. It would offer his much pleasure. Her obedience made him want to allow Eden the sweet release even though she tried to disobey him earlier.

He glanced back up at Diamond. "Your time starts now."

Without hesitation, Diamond's mouth went back to Eden's breast, sucking and nipping at the bare flesh beneath her lips. She was quick to slip a hand between Eden's slightly parted thighs. Her fingers rubbed against the tender nub of nerves that was sure to bring Eden to the edge of her release. When that didn't get the response Diamond desired, she slipped two slender fingers inside Eden and proceeded to fuck her while her thumb worked her clit.

"I want you to taste her." Declan spoke this command to Diamond but he couldn't take his eyes from Eden's face.

His thumbs ran over Eden's forearms. "Open your legs and offer yourself to Diamond."

Diamond moved towards Eden's feet, but she didn't move her legs. She just stared up at Declan and bit her bottom lip.

"Do it." He leaned closer to Eden.

Red streaks trailed down Eden's chest, over her belly, to her hips. The sight of it drove him mad. Before Diamond could spread Eden's legs wider, he said, "Offer yourself to Diamond and allow her to give you a release."

Eden was a stubborn one and held her ground a moment longer before parting her legs wider, exposing her inner lips and her glistening sex, plump with her arousal.

His eyed her sex with a hungry passion. He wanted to be the one knelt between her legs, yet he couldn't allow himself that pleasure.

Diamond dipped a finger into Eden's slick moisture and dragged her finger up to Eden's clit to tease her. She wasn't in a rush to finish, and he was happy for that. It meant she knew what she was doing. Her thumbs came to rest on either side of her clitoris, trapping that little nub, and began to rub her.

The reaction was almost instantaneous.

Eden bucked her hips back, shutting her legs over Diamond's working hands and tried to sit up. "Wait it's too much." She gasped but Declan held her down.

"Stop moving." He said.

"Diamond." Eden lifted her head. "I can't do this."

Declan looked up a Diamond. "Is there a problem?"

"We just need a moment. Isn't that right, Eden?" Diamond looked at Eden with a reassuring smile that said don't fuck this up for us. "Can you do this? Declan desires to see you cum for him."

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