10 - A Simple Plan (Unedited)

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I hope to have another chapter up tomorrow at some point. This chapter gets really violent and we are finally getting to see just how messed up the Burrow's family is. Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! :0)


10- A Simple Plan

It was a little before midnight when Eden reached the start of her block. The street before her lay silent and still. Not a single light burned.

There were no blue and red flashing lights like she had expected. Did that mean Keelan failed? Perhaps he waited for her in the darkness surrounding the end of their street. Would he want to show off his work or simply grab her and leave this town behind? She did know and a part of her didn't want to find out.

Eden didn't mind the long walk home. In fact, she made it a point to tell Marcy's mother the fresh air would do her some good and not to worry about her. She'd make it home safe like she always did.

The other girls climbed into the car with little protest, yawning their goodnights and promises of hanging out the next day before Eden waved them off. She stood watching the glowing red lights fade into the distance before turning right on the main road.

Then Eden started the long trek home. Her mind swirled with thoughts of Keelan, of their parents hopefully lying dead in their beds. She couldn't stomach the thought of watching her older brother slaughter them like pigs.

When she reached the end of theater drive, Eden turned left and wandered out into the darkness. The moon was set high in the sky with billions of burning stars as it's backdrop.

She looked up as she walked, got lost in its beauty. It reminded her so much of the void, her makeshift safe haven. If only she could reach out and claim the star overhead. Would they offer her the same comfort? She didn't know.

Her mind wondered to the Lisa Frank sticker on her wall. Those fading and peeling stars were her voids origin. In times of crisis, she'd focus on those stickers and over time, with much practice, she'd conjure up the void and sink into its depths.

This place, her living breathing hellish nightmare of a reality, offered her no comfort, no joy, only disappointment and cruelty, a never-ending cycle of abuse dealt out by the hands of her own flesh and blood.

For every good thing awarded in life, Eden was dealt two cards of misery to snuff out that happiness. For example, her mother brought home a knock off version of a Barbie doll for Eden. Left it on her bed unwrapped. Her mom gave it to her without reason. The excitement at having a new toy overcame her little girl mind.

She was seven at the time of this gift, around the same time she was discovering the darkness within Keelan's heart.

He was angry that he didn't get something for himself, had pitched a fit that ended with him punching a hole in his bedroom wall. He caught their fathers' belt for that one. As the shrill sounds of her brother screaming filtered throughout their trailer, Eden sat in her closet, her knees pulled to her chest and willed herself to stay quiet. She had to stop herself from leaving her room to help Keelan.

Eventually the screaming would stop and when it did, she'd exist her closet and continue to play as normal, knowing Keelan would come to her at some point.

That night he snuck into her bedroom, ripped that dolls head clean from is body, and threw it at her head while she slept. She woke up to find him climbing into her bed, a bulge pointing the front of his pants as he held the decapitated doll in front of him.

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