2 - A Brief History of Harvey's Burlesque Theater (2/7/2021 update)

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Feel free to tell me what you honestly think and rip it apart, good or bad, I'm all ears. I'm in the middle of doing final self edits before I start looking for Beta readers. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)



A Brief History of Harvey's Burlesque Theater

***Harvey's POV*** 

(WHAT DO READERS THINK? Do you feel this section is a big o' info dump and isn't needed or should I keep it because it lets you get to know Harvey?)

Harvey Steinberg, or Big Daddy to his girls, saw Eden's star potential the moment she set foot on his stage to audition. He would have signed her on the spot if it weren't for his cunt of an ex-wife.

The girl grew up in a dance studio for Christ sake! He shouted over his ex-wife's shrill protests. She'll breathe fresh air into your tired routines and liven this place up. We need her, Tabitha. Why are you being so difficult?

We need that bitch like a hole in the head! Was her response right before she threw a glass ashtray at his head.

Then Tabitha was gone.

Two weeks later he was served with divorce papers that were drawn up behind his back by a ball-crushing, money-hungry lawyer. In them, Tabitha demanded the house, their kids, and even his dog, which she didn't even like.

Eventually, she turned their children against him. His weekend visits turned to by-weekly events, which changed to a once-a-month brunch. Now he was lucky to see them around the holidays.

What did Harvey get? He got his baby, Harvey's Burlesque Theater. It was all he wanted.

His choice to bring Eden into the mix, paid off. To this day Tabitha wouldn't admit he did right, even though she spent a couple of extra grand a month from his alimony and child support checks. The greedy bitch.

The moment he hired Eden, attendance at Harvey's doubled, if not tripled, in a matter of six months. New routines were developed and tested with Eden playing leading roles. As word spread about the new and greatly improved Harvey's Burlesque Theater, shows were sold out weeks in advance, with weekend double shows.

Eden rose through the ranks. Passed up seasoned dancers for prominent roles and superior time slots. In almost a year's time, she earned her featured role and clung to it.

Harvey wasn't easy on his girls. His expectations were high. His dancers needed to prove how badly they wanted to remain in the spotlight. Performances were graded and by the end of each week ten dancers were offered featured roles while the rest were demoted to smaller, less entertaining rolls.

Some thrived under pressure and grew to outlast the weakest of dancers. While others simply stopped showing up, never to be seen again. Harvey lost track of how many he'd lost, then again, he didn't care. It was a dog eats dog world, and he never allowed his girls to forget it. He was in the business of making money and so was Eden, it was why he admired her.


(WHAT DO READERS THINK? Should I start the story here instead and change it back to Eden's POV or do you enjoy Harvey's POV?)

Harvey stood backstage, amongst the cluttered chaos, watching his masterpiece come to life. Dancers and stagehands rushed past, pulling together the finishing touches together.

He glimpsed Eden wading through the disorder and waved her over. "You look beautiful!"

"Thanks, Big Daddy." Eden kissed his cheek.

"Hold on, stay here. I got a surprise for you. You're going to love it!" Standing at barely five feet tall, Harvey's miniature stature and portly belly bounced with excitement. "Ricky, my man, get over here."

Ricky wandered over, all smiles and cheer. "What's up boss?"

"Look, I rearranged some of the performances. Eden's opening tonight."

"But Diamond always opens." Eden's eyes bounced between Ricky and Harvey.

"Where's my eager her?" Doubt etched across Eden's features. He didn't appreciate it. "It's what you've been waiting for. The spotlight all to yourself." He challenged her. "Did I make a mistake."

Eden didn't hesitate. "I'll do it."

"That's my girl! I'll inform Diamond of the change, of course. You've earned this, Eden. Don't forget it." A stagehand caught his attention, "Stewart. You're just the man I was looking for."

The stagehand covered his face with his clip board and kept it moving.

"Don't you walk away from me." Harvey darted after him.

*** Eden's POV***

There was a queer, almost giddy, hop in Harvey's step as he headed back across the stage toward Diamond.

Eden couldn't watch it play out. She closed her eyes and tried to think of an excuse, but nothing came. There was only the truth.

You're a lousy friend. What was the alternative? Say no and get demoted to a measly back up dancer?

Eden opened her eyes. Ricky watching her, his face void of any emotion. "Diamond's going to kill me, isn't she?"

"She ain't gonna be pleased, that's for sure." He shook his head, clearly disapointed. "Damn, Eden."

"What was I supposed to say?" She couldn't afford to lose either one of them as a friend. Without them, she'd be alone, in a sea of people who hated her.

He held his hands up and backed away. "Nope, I ain't gettin' in none of y'all's business. But you best think of something quick 'cuz she's lookin' mighty pissed."

Eden glanced up from her fidgeting hands and caught Diamond glaring at her from the opposite wing. Harvey's back was to her and she could only imagine what he was telling her. Her eyes kept bouncing nervously between Diamond and Harvey's back.

I'm so sorry. She mouthed, hoping her friend would believe her apology.

To her disbelief, Diamond's features softened, and a hint of a smile played across her lips.

All would be forgiven. But would it be forgotten? That was something Eden didn't know. She could only hope.

The lights flickered overhead, signaling the start of the show. Guests would start settling in their chairs, cocktails and money in hand. It was time to do the only thing Eden was good at and that was entertaining a crowd.

As the opening music filtered through the speakers, Eden held up her hand towards Diamond, bending her middle and ring fingers down in the universal sign for I love you.

Without hesitation, Diamond returned the gesture.

Yes, all was forgiven.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora