6 - The Contract

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Video: Addicted To Love by Skylar Grey

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

next update coming soon...



6 - The Contract

****After mealtime****

Eden stormed into her room, slamming the door shut behind her in a fit of rage. She threw herself onto the bed. Burying her face into one of the downy pillows, she screamed until her lungs couldn't handle it anymore.

She gasped for air, trying to calm her racing heart.

How dare he! The bastard. Eden wiped her damp cheeks with the sleeve of her top and stared silently up of the lacy canopy overhead. I can't take this anymore. I need to get out of here.

She expected Declan to storm in shortly after her, to verbally or physically assault her again, but he came. He never graced her with his presence, and for that she was grateful.  If she ever saw him again, it would be too soon. 

Her stomach growled.

I'm hungry. Eden clutched the pillow to her chest and groaned out her frustration. I hate him. I will always hate him. Her stomach rumbled again, making her regret throwing that delicious smelling food to the floor in spite. Now she was left hungry and overall miserable. 

The envelope on the nightstand caught her attention. She rolled away from it, facing the rain splattered windows. The willow's branches thrashed around in the whipping winds, drifting one way than the other.

Forget about what's inside the envelope. Nothing good will come from opening it. Instead, focus on the rain. Eden wished she could go outdoors in the elements. She wanted to smell the rain, to feel it on her skin. Mainly, she wanted to be anywhere but here, in this room alone like a prisoner.

But curiosity got the better of Eden. Before she could talk herself out of it, she rolled back over and snatched the envelope from the nightstand, pulling it onto her lap.

There wasn't any writing telling her what was inside. She flipped it over. Nothing. She pried up the metal prongs and shook out the contents. A thick packet of paper fell into the covers.

The cover read: Laws of the Obedient Slave.

She pushed it away. I'm not reading that shit. What the hell does he mean by the slave? Does he expect me to work for him as punishment? Be a maid like Matilda? Fuck that with something hard and sandpapery.

Her temper flared, cheeks flushing a deep red as she flipped the first page.

  (List of rules so far. I still need to go back and edit later. Be on the look out for updates on this list.)

Rules of conduct


1) The Slave shall keep a well-groomed appearance at all times. One must never lack proper grooming habits for it will reflect poorly on their Master ability to care for their Slave correctly.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz