6 - Introduction to Phase One (not edited)

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Video: A Little WIcked by Valerie Broussard

Just a reminder: The following chapter has not been edited yet by myself. This is a first raw rough draft. Please keep that in mind while reading. The writing might not be as fleshed out as past chapters. I'm taking a break from this book but have 6 or so chapters written that I want to post for all my readers. I'll be back to this book after NANO is over. In the mean time check out By Winter's End. If you enjoyed Breaking Eden then you WILL enjoy that book as well. Trust me. : 0 ) In the mean time here is what I have written the past few weeks just haven't had the time or energy to do self edits.



6 - Introduction to Phase One

Eden awoke on the cold hard wood floor. It seemed that every muscle in her body protested her movements. Her face throbbed and there was a terrible metallic taste in her mouth. The tip of her tongue ran over her split lip.

She moaned and cracked her eyes open.

Declan stood in front of the blazing fireplace, his back was once again towards her.

Eden forced herself to push through the pain ripping through her side as she rolled to her stomach and gathered herself to her hands and knees.

He didn't acknowledge her movement, didn't even bother to turn around.

"You-" Pulling herself to her knees, Eden almost doubled over again as a bolt of pain shot through her ribs. But she held strong and gritted her teeth. "-had no right." 

Declan laughed, a hauntingly peculiar one, and finally turned to face her. "You speak of rights that you no longer have. Such a poor pathetic girl you are." He trusted his hand towards her. "Stand up."

                  "I don't need your help." She ignored his offer by slapping his hand away and took her time gathering herself to her feet.

                  For shits and giggles, Declan knocked her hand out from under her with a swift knock his foot. She fell to the floor at his feet. "You're self sufficient, I'll give you that much but it won't do you any good. Consider submitting your will to me now while you're down there and thing can end differently tonight."

                  Eden glared up at him. "Never."

She threw herself forward; attacking him however she could but it was difficult on her knees. Her fist aimed for his belly but connected with his balls by a fortunate mistake on her part. The strike brought Declan to his knees.

With a mighty roar he was upon her. His hands pinning her to the floor by her neck, chocking the life out of her. His face was twisted into a mask of pure rage as he straddled her thrashing hips to gain control over her. She slapped at his arms, his chest, tried to push his face up and away from hers but couldn't gather enough strength.

The claw-like fingers of the void plucked at the edges of her vision as the sound of its turbulent waves invaded her mind. Her face darkened, turning a suffocating red as panic set in. This is how I die. He's going to strangle me in this room.

Her grip on his forearms weakened as the void claimed more of her conciseness. Before she succumbed to the darkness she caught a look of realization cross his features.

Declan released his hold and sat back, pinning her legs beneath his weight.

Air never felt so good as she sucked in the first lung full, which enviably triggered a coughing fit like no other. She glared up at Declan through flooded eyes and didn't move. "Yo-"

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