2 - Ben's Reward (not Edited)

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Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Consider sharing this book on social media and with others who may enjoy it and help get Breaking Eden noticed by Wattpad. Thanks for reading! :0)


2 – Ben's Reward

Declan snapped his fingers, ordering Darius, Jude, and Sofia to stand. They followed his order immediately getting to their feet. Sofia stood alone off to the side while Jude gripped Darius's hand as though she were afraid of what would happen next.

Eden didn't understand, "What?"

"I'm rewarding Ben with you." That smile still pulled at his lips.

"I don't understand. This was supposed to be a punishment."

He held up his hand to silence her. "Do you desire a night with Eden, Benjamin?"

Ben nodded slowly, "If she wishes the same." His gaze shifted towards Eden. There was a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"If she wishes the same." Declan mumbled those words, laughing to himself. He stood from leaning on the desk. "I want to hear you say it. You desire Eden. You want her."

Eden took a step towards the desk, to where Ben and Declan were locked in a heated staring contest.

"If you know what's good for you, Eden, you'll stay put." His tone sharpened, making Eden take a hesitant step backwards.

She knew full well how horribly this night could turn. Images of Darius and the Minitour flashed in her mind, of the multiple nights spent in the medical ward, of the last 30 days spent locked in darkness. She didn't just dread going back into that box, she feared it, would rather die.

Eden eye flitted toward Ben. His drifted to the floor.

"I do desire Eden." Ben's cheeks glowed pink in the fire light. He glazed up at Declan, "If it pleases you master then it pleases me."

Declan pulled Ben in with a hearty laugh. "You admit it then, your desire Eden." The way he phrased it was more of a question that needed a definite answer.

"Yes, I desire Eden." Ben seemed embarrassed; he wouldn't meet her gaze.

Eden expected fear or anger to set in at the possibility of being forcing to have sex with Ben. But all there was, was shock. She was giddy if not outright excited to hear Ben say he wanted her, desired her. The heat that build up within her core returned.

"Do you desire to fill her cunt, her ass, or her mouth? Which do you request to fuck as your reward?"

"Her cunt, Sir. I desire that the most." Ben offered her a weak smile.

It was Eden's turn to blush. Was this Ben's way of offering her mercy? Did he know she may put up a fight? She didn't know but her heart raced, pounding against her chest.

"There's no objection from Eden. We may proceed."

"Wait." She took a hesitant step forward, testing the waters, but immediately felt like she made a grave mistake.

"She objects. What say you my dearest Eden?" Declan's smile only grew as though he was waiting for her to disagree and step out of line.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do under one condition." She treaded lightly, taking a hesitant step towards them.

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