1 - The Dark Place (4/13/19 Edited)

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Video: Impossible By Frank Diago

(I had to use this video mainly for the dance. It's so beautiful!)

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter two update coming soon...


1 – The Dark Place

Pain. Pure anguish. Darkness.

Throbbing. All consuming. Isolation.

Waves of never-ending misery broke her. It was all there was in the dark place. A never-ending whirled pool of despair filled with tiny black hands that grabbed at her in the turbulent current.

Eden rose from the murky depths of unconsciousness and resurfaced into reality. Overwhelming dizziness consumed every fiber of her being. Yet all she could do was drift with the unrelenting chaos. She fought against the churning waters to stay afloat, gasping for air.

Billions of burning stars rained down like sparks from the Heavens, each one landing in the thrashing waves. Their glow never wavered as they sunk beneath the surface, brightening the water surrounding her. Soon the ocean became a violent night sky. 

Help me! She shouted into the void.

Another wave broke, forcing her underneath the surface. Her senses were in overdrive, igniting every nerve. She fought for breath and struggled to regain full consciousness.

Then just like that, everything was calm. An odd sense of tranquility washed over her. 

The storm passed.

The water, although choppy, receded, leaving Eden in a circle of brilliant light. She remained curled on her side, naked and shivering.

Eden stirred. Reality was at the fore front of her mind.   

The air reeked of sterile chemicals. It reminded her of the healthcare clinics she went to as a teen. Her skin prickled, making her hair stand straight and she was left shivering underneath the bright lights. 

There was movement, then a soft mumbling of voices. The sound of squeaky wheels turning filled the space. It traced the length of the room then stopped abruptly. Then hands were upon her, touching her, moving her limbs into an awkward position.

Eden didn't resist. She couldn't. Her limbs were heavy and remained useless.

She cracked her eyes open long enough for the bright fluorescent lights to blind her. The pain in her temple intensified with each passing second. It only dulled when she allowed her eyelids to fall shut.

Someone spoke. Their words morphed into something foreign, something indecipherable.

The more she tried to listen the more the pain and overwhelming darkness threatened to pull her back down into its depths.  

Eden lifted her head. Where am I?

She caught sight of a muddled and blurry form near her side, before falling back against the hard surface. It hurts too much to move. To think clearly.

Wheels began to squeak. Then more movement surrounded her. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the space. One moment they were on her left, then her right, then directly above her.

The person stopped. Hands heaved her upper body up.  

Eden's head lulled back, straining her neck muscles. Her limbs dangled lifelessly at her sides like a rag doll. Hands worked at her top, pulling the fabric up over her head before laying her gently back against the cold surface.

Without a pause, they positioned her arms high above her head without so much as a hint of a struggle. When the person leaned in close to wrap something around her wrists, Eden got a strong whiff of aftershave. It was intoxicatingly sweet and made her want to vomit.

Formaldehyde and lemons. She thought of the odd mixture of scents.    

Eden remained silent and still throughout the encounter. A part of her was afraid to show signs of consciousness, while the other part fought to stay awake. 

When the person finished, the footsteps retreated. Their presence dissipated. Footsteps moved towards her feet. Seconds later, hands were on her, this time slipping fingers underneath the band of her pants and stripping them and her underwear off.

Her legs were hoisted high, bent at the knees, and placed into stirrups. Each one secured with buckled straps to hold them in place. No, it was to hold her in place. They took their time securing two more straps, one at her hips and another just underneath her breasts. Then something resembling a sheet was thrown over her, covering everything from her neck down.

Eden willed her eyes to open, but they wouldn't budge. Instead, she was left groaning out her misery.  

Wheels began to squeak once more as the person settled near her feet. Hands drew her legs apart. The stirrups clicked wide, then wider, exposing her vagina to the frigid air and the person sitting between her legs 

Something was inserted inside of her. It was cold and hard. A mechanical click, click, clicking filled the air. Then immense pressure radiated threw her pelvis as she was stretched unbelievably wide.

What are you doing? Eden fought to speak these words, but all that came from her was a pitiful groan. All there was, was pain. Mind numbing agony that sent ripples of misery threw her core.

There was a mumble of voices as the darkness crept back in. It tightened its ranks around Eden's mind until she was a mere pale dot floating in a sea of endless black. Those tiny black hands fought against each other as they pushed and pulled her.

She didn't fight against them. Instead, she welcomed the churning waters return. Took what little joy it offered her in not knowing what those hands were doing to her. Pinching and probing. Scraping and searching. For what? She didn't know.

The surging waves engulfed her. She sunk beneath the surface and disappeared into the starry nothingness below.

Words: 1,115

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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