14 - Sofia's Story (Unedited)

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LONG Chapter ahead......Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Consider sharing this book on social media and with others who may enjoy it and help get Breaking Eden noticed by Wattpad. Thanks for reading! :0)


14 – Sofia's Story

"What are you talking about?" Eden was confused. "What test?"

"I needed to see if you'd crumble." Sofia skimmed her fingers over the waters surface, laughing softly to herself. "I'm surprised, shocked actually. I was sure you'd take it, seeing as you're miserable and all you do is cry. 'I want to go home!'" she pouted, mocking Eden.

"First off, I don't sound like that. Secondly, suicide isn't a joke, Sofia. What the hell is wrong with you?" Eden couldn't hold back the disgust raging through her veins, the shock at how easily she wanted to turn that blade on Sofia instead. She wanted nothing more than to watch her bleed out while face down in this tub.

But was that any better than Sofia pushing her to suicide? Certainly not.

Eden's head popped up with a new question on her tongue. "There weren't any other people, were there?"

Sofia's hand stopped its hypnotic circles; her eyes flitting up towards Eden. There wasn't a once of sympathy within their blue depths, just bitter childlike coldness, pure jealousy that burned with dark hatred.

"I wasn't lying. They died in this very tub." The side of Sofia's mouth twitched up. "With a little help, they found their escape."

"Does Declan know?"

"Who do you think sent me?"

"Lies." Eden said. "We're his property, right? Why would he allow you to ruin them?"

Sofia remained silent as she lowered her head back to her arm. "Why do you think I'm here and not that old sake of bones?"

"Get out." Eden pushed Sofia's arms off the edge of the tub and away from her. "I want you to leave." Eden craned her neck, trying hard to look beyond the doorway and into the bedroom. "Matilda?"

"You're wasting your breath."

"I want to out, now!" When Eden tried to stand, Sofia pushed her back with surprising strength.

"I don't I want to leave just yet." Sofia laid her elbows against the side of the tub and rested her cheek on an arm again, looking up at Eden with faint glee. "I heard you like stories. I want to tell you one with a happy ending."


"I overheard you asking Matilda for hers. Maybe after you hear mine, you'll understand we're a family, Eden, not prisoners. If you don't enjoy it, then maybe you'll ask me for the blade tucked in my hair and end your stay. Do we have a deal?"

"Tell me your story then get out." Eden reluctantly settled back against the high-backed tub and waited. All thoughts of relaxation ceased to exist. The warm water wouldn't sooth her chilled skin. Even the intoxicating fumes of Matilda's oils were of no help.

"There's another reason why Master chose me to bath you." Sofia sighed. "Don't worry it isn't because he wished you harm. He wants us to mend our differences."

Eden laughed. "After you offered me to help slit my wrists? I don't-"

"Shhhh." Sofia pressed a finger against Eden's lips, smushing them against her teeth. "You know, you have a bad habit of not allowing people to finish speaking."

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now