17- A Peek Into The Past (3/30/19 New Content)

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Video: I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter 18 update coming soon...



A Peek into The Past

Eden stared at the door of room six in utter shock. Declan had just thrown her out like trash on garbage day. And once again, she didn't understand the sudden shift in his temperament. He was worse than hot and cold. He was either scalding or frozen.

She stooped, snagged her bottoms from the pile of clothes at her feet, and with shaking hands, she pulled them up her legs. The bra was harder to manage. It took her multiple tries to hook it.

One of the doors further down the hallway opened. The sound of laugher filled the space. She needed to get out and she needed to do it now.

Eden gathered the rest of her things and bolted toward the check in area.

"Put another hour on the books for Diamond and that asshole in room six. And charge him double." Eden called out in passing, not caring if Kelsey heard or not.

The rest of the night passed by in a blur.

Eden spent her time struggling with the humiliating and confusing outcome of her first private dance. The thought of Declan seeing her so exposed and vulnerable wasn't helping her mood either.

He watched me orgasm! Eden brought her hands to her heated cheeks and huffed and puffed her way into the main dressing room. God, what's the matter with me?

After that, she refused to leave for the rest of the show and offered little to no explanation to people's prying questions. There would be no more dances featuring Eden tonight and she didn't care one bit if Harvey disapproved. If he asked, she'd tell him she was sick, which was partly true. Her stomach was in knots. But Harvey never came to see her, which she was secretly thankful for. The thought of having to explain the situation was too embarrassing.

She glared at her reflection at her small section of makeup counter. Hot and angry tears welled up in her eyes. Her face was a mess.

You deserve everything that happened to you. The voice of Eden's father shouted in her mind. You are nothing. Just like your cunt of a mother! Worthless, the both of yous. I shoulda never had kids. Look what it got me.

"Stop it!" Eden shouted into her trembling hands as the first sob racked her body. "You're not here." She groaned.

When she looked up, her face was a muddled mess of black and red. Mascara trailed down her cheeks, leaving behind ugly black tracks that were smeared by her fingerstips. Her lipstick was beyond repair.

Finding her makeup remover wipes was harder than she thought. She dove into her secret stash before anyone could walk in and catch her in such an emotional state. Scrubbing the damp cloth across her lips, she spread bright red over and around her mouth and chin.

Now you really do look like a clown. A giggle bubbled to her lips.

She grabbed another cloth to finish the job then moved to her cheeks. Peach-colored foundation mixed with streaks of black and blotches of red saturated the towel. Soon, her skin was naked and free to breathe. She was her true self again.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz