5 - Day four/Ben's Visit (Unedited)

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I hope to have another chapter up tomorrow at some point. Please note that this hasn't been edited yet. It's a raw draft. Feel free to rip it apart. Tell me what you like or hate. I want to make BE the best book it can possibly be so honest feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! :0)


5 – Day four/Ben's Visit

Eden hovered slightly above the bucket to relieve her aching bladder. The shame of having to pee in a bucket brought heat to her cheeks. Yet there she was, trying not to fall into the bucket as she pees. Since there wasn't any toilet paper, she was forced to jiggle herself clean.

This is what Declan want. For me to be humiliated and see just how lucky I have it out there compared to in here.

When she stood to replace the lid, she felt a drop of warm urine dribble down the inside of her thigh and shuddered. She swiped it away with the back of an arm and slammed the lid back onto the bucket. Embarrassment was now being taken over by anger.

Eden moved back to her spot on the floor, tucked away in a back corner of the stuffy closet, which now smelled of urine.

Yesterday someone came by to collect the trays provided to her at mealtimes so she could only assume that meant it was dinner time or shortly after. Her stomach growled, reminding how uncomfortable a hunger strike was. And this time she wasn't able to fill her belly with water to help soothe the hunger pains. Instead, she was being forced to endure it all without tricks. It would be a true hunger strike.

A part of Eden was hoping Declan would give into theatrics of withholding food again. Maybe force her out of this closet to make her eat. Hell, even a trip back to the medical ward with a tube shoved down her throat seemed better than this hot and suffocating room.

Her toe grazed the edge of the tray. She wanted nothing more than to eat whatever was on it. Forcing herself to her knees, she pried the from the bucket and dumped whatever was on the tray inside. There was no way she could cave in now.

Out of sight, out of mind. Eden thought as she replaced the lid and crawled back to her corner.

The others, the bringers of trays with food, came twice sometimes three times a day and never stayed long. They'd unlock that little slot at the bottom of the door and took the old tray and replaced it with a new one. They never mentioned anything about the food still being there. They would just take, give, then close and relock that tiny door.

Eden tried to get their attention on multiple occasions, almost every single time that door opened she'd race forward to shove the old tray through the slot. She'd do her best to steal a glimpse of the person on the other side. But they always remained quiet and fast moving, as though they were timed. The best Eden could do was get a few second view of their hands.

Some were thin and milky white like hers, while others were in different shades of brown. None of those hands looked like Declan's. It seemed so unfair of him to keep her here in this room and not visit here.

That stubborn spirit within her being came forward to remind her that with Declan comes pain and misery and she was lucky he stayed away.

I'm so tired of being alone. Of being held in this room with its suffocating walls and no air flow. And I think I'm beginning to smell. I need a shower. A proper toilet and toilet paper. I need to wash my hands so I can stop feeling dirty.

Eden's stomach growled again, this time much louder, and with it came a belch full of sour stomach acid.

And I need water. A gallon of ice-cold water.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن