13 - The Light Within Darkness (3/17/2019 New chapter)

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Chapter 14 update coming soon...



The Light Within Darkness

Declan closed his eyes and brought his fingertips to his aching temples. Images of all the things he wanted to do to Eden flooded his mind. The whirlwind of colors and sounds sent shooting pain through his skull. All he could think about was Eden and what he lost in a few short moments.

From stripping her, to whipping her, to overall humiliating her, Declan wanted it all. No, he needed it all to cure the aching desire inside welling up inside him. It was the only thing that could dull his throbbing head. He'd love nothing more than to indulge in her body. Delivering Eden's pain and taking pleasure in her cries for mercy would be positively euphoric.

How does that old saying go? Declan groaned. Good things come to those who wait, right? Yes, that's it.

But waiting was for poor people. Not men of his status.

Declan readjusted his dying erection. The crotch of his pants was damp with Eden's juices. He brought his fingertips to his lips to taste her. It wasn't urine. It was her sweet, delicious cunt. She even smells divine.

A lightning bolt of regret shot through him.

It wasn't that Declan wanted Diamond over Eden. Not at all. In fact, he wanted nothing more than to pull Eden back into his arms and start fresh from the moment she straddled his hips. But she was gone, and he was left in excruciating pain for hurting her.

You're losing your mind. It will pass in time. It always does. His fingers shot to his temples.

It was hard fighting against the chaotic mess surging through his mind. His inner demons were at war, each one fighting for a glimpse of his sanity, to be seen and heard above the rest.

Can't figure out what you want? Pathetic mut. You're unworthy of her affection. Always will be.

Eden. Eden. Eden. Eden. Eden. Eden. He repeated her name over and over, hoping to rid his thoughts of the darkness closing around him. Tendrils of smoky night lashed out, trapping him, threatening to overpower him once more. He fought it off with a single picture of her. Her hands. Her eyes. Her lips. Her thighs. Her sweet cunt against my hand. Her breasts. Her hair against my cheek. Her moaning for more.

You don't deserve her! The darkness shouted back at his protests. Then others chimed in, their voices, men and women, all trying to be heard all at once. Yes. The girl. Bring her back. Back to us. Let us play with her. It's been so long. So very long. We are famished. Starving. Let us feast upon her soul. Let us take pleasure in her misery. In her pain. Yes. Her pain will please us. So long. Too long. What a lovely thing it is, pain. It isn't so bad when you deliver it with reason. She will love it. Crave it. Beg for it.

Another voice broke from the rest. His father's. You know all about pain, don't you boy? You know. You lived it. Grew to love it even.

No! A lightning bolt shot through the darkness. She will destroy you. Take her and she will be your end.

But the darkness consumed the bit of light in a tidal wave of anguish. Not unless we destroy her first. Break her will. Watch her suffer. Follow in your father's footsteps. Lead without mercy. Devour her. Love her. Destroy her. Save her. Punish her. Take her. Claim her as yours. Bring her home. For us. For you.

Declan groaned. What I need is another hole to fill. Another mouth to violate to rid my mind of that sweet girl's cunt against my hand and all of you. Why must she be so-

Intoxicating? Fascinating? Intriguing? Beautiful? They answered at once.

The roaring inside his mind subsided and offered him mercy. His pain eased. He was able to think clearly now that the darkness had vanished. Yet all of his thoughts went back to Eden. Eden is all of those things and more. And I want her.

Declan believed in indulging in the things he loved, almost to excess. It was the main reason none of his girlfriends lasted longer than a few months. He was under the firm belief of the saying why have one when you can have two?

In other words, he was a man of instant gratification and that was how he liked it. No, that was how he expected it. So, the thought of not being able to have Eden when he wanted her, infuriated him.

Sadly, the majority of women suffered from the idea of monogamy. To Declan, men and women weren't meant to be trapped with the same person for life. He fancied himself a Polyamorist at heart, although most people mistook him for a polygamist even though he has never taken on a wife.

He hoped Eden wouldn't mind her new lifestyle once he claimed her. It would make her adjustment to her new life so much easier.

Watching his girls with other women, and sometimes other men, was something he desired. Indulging in both of their bodies would offer him immense pleasure and calm his unrelenting urges, and mostly unsatisfying dreams.

When Eden struggled with the music system, he was far from amused. Her lack of understanding of how a simple electronic worked frustrated him to no end. It was utter stupidity and he had little patience for it. Yet, he enjoyed watching her panic and squirm under pressure.

But that ended the moment static filled the air.

He was up in a flash and at Eden's side before she even noticed he had left the couch. Slipping in front of her, he glided through the different screens without issue.

"I have this same model at home." Declan had said before he selected her song.

He knew within the first few seconds of Eden's dance that it was going to end badly for one of them. The dancing resembled that of a cheap stripper and nothing like the elegant woman he watched earlier in the evening. He didn't want cheap tricks and flips, yet that was all Eden offered. What he wanted was something entertaining or, at the very least, one that got him hard.

It wasn't until Eden crawled onto his lap and rubbed her ass against his cock as any good strippers would, that things became more interesting for him. The friction alone won Declan over. As he trailed his hands over her withering body, his imagination took over, releasing the demons that dwelled in the depths of his turbulent mind.

And with darkness came satisfaction.  

Words: 1,156

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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