8 - We Got to Get Out Of This Place (7/20/18 update)

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Video: Eve Of Destruction by Barry McGurie

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that edits for Breaking Eden are going well. Readers wanted longer chapters so this chapter went from 1,100-ish words to a little over 2,000 words and is packed full of new content. So give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter nine update coming soon...


8 - We Got To Get Out Of This Place

After Eden's Performance

                "Eden you need to calm down," Rose spoke softly, but Eden wasn't having any of it. She wanted out. Out of the room. Out of the mansion. And definitely out of Declan's life forever.

                Eden rushed from the wings.

                "Wait! Come back. You mustn't go that way." Rose ran after her.

                Eden darted out of the nearest door she could open and hurried into the dimly lit corridor beyond. Not knowing precisely where to go, she chose to head toward the right. She'd see where that led her and go from there.

                "If you go any further I'll be forced to get Declan." Rose huffed out.

                Eden stopped dead in her tracks and brushed the back of a shaking hand across her cheeks to wipe away her tears. She panted for air that wouldn't satisfy her aching lungs. They burned; her entire body blazed and shook with rage.

                There was the clicking of hurried footsteps echoing towards her.

                Eden managed to pull her robe shut before Rose could see her naked body and judge her as unworthy. She could only imagine how insane she must look, but Eden didn't care one bit.

                It doesn't matter anymore. Declan won, and I lost.  Eden brought her shaking hands to her face and did the only thing she could think of. She cried.

                Declan had somehow managed to make Eden feel even more pitiful than ever before. And she couldn't help but think that it was all her fault. She never should have come here.

                What have I done? Eden paced the width of the hallway in a panic. Couldn't you have offered a normal routine, maybe one that left something to the imagination? Christ! You're such a fool! You allowed him to get under your skin and now you'll be forced to face him for another round of humiliation.

                Rose approached Eden with caution. "Eden?"

                Eden stopped moving. She lifted her head and recognized the pity in Rose's eyes. "Why does he hate me?" She wept.   

                Rose took one look at Eden's disheveled appearance and went to her. "I tried to warn you, Dear. Declan isn't one for surprises." She gathered Eden into a warm, comforting embrace and allowed her to release all of the emotions she held in, "There, there let it all out then dry your eyes." She added a little awkwardly as Eden began to gather her wits.

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