4 - D is fo Dominatrix (7/16/18 update)

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Video = Fever by Peggy Lee

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that edits for Breaking Eden are going well. Readers wanted longer chapters so this chapter went from a little over 800-ish words to over 1,200 and is packed full of new content. So give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter five update coming soon...


***Warning: I do not condone the strong language used in this chapter against races of any kind. These are the views of the character(s) not of the author. ***

4 – D is for Dominatrix

Diamond's POV

                When Diamond stepped onto the stage, it was to the overwhelming sound of cheers and applause. That was all she needs to pull off the performance of a lifetime. When Marilyn Manson's song Disposable Teens filtered through the speakers, she began her dance of seduction.

                She released the side of her she rarely got to experience, let alone show a crowd of people.

                She captured her audiences' attention with a lively crack of her leather whip and held it until the very end when she pulled her signature move. The death drop was carried out without the slightest bit of a hiccup.

                The crowd went silent.

                Diamond pulled herself from the floor and gazed around the quiet room, a little out of breath. For a moment she thought she'd done something wrong.

                That was until a man in the back stood up to clap. "Bravo!" He shouted.

                Soon after, another person stood to join him and slowly, but surely, more rose up, and their applause grew and grew until the noise echoed in her ears.

                She spotted Declan near the front of the room. His gaze was filled with smoldering lust that sent a bolt of desire through her core. The side of his mouth pulled up into the smallest of smirks, and it was one given with pure entertainment. He gave her a curt nod as a sign of approval before turning to whisper something to the man sitting next to him.

                There was a brief exchange of words between the pair and a quick handshake as if a deal had been sealed.

                But Diamond was too caught up in her own glory to realize what was going on around her.

                Bids were being made as well as deals, and her performance had caught the eye of many.

                Her smile nearly reached her eyes as she gave a little bow. Declan continued to watch her every movement with that same electrifying stare.

                Before hurrying off the stage, Diamond stole one last look around the room. A slight frown settled over her brow as she realized, for the first time, the majority of the audience was made up of men of a specific shade of white.

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