1 - The Stepford Slaves Part 2 (not edited)

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If you haven't heard yet the following chapters isn't edited. If you haven't you really need to start reading the little author notes at the tops. Do your thing. Read the chapter and lets talk. I split this chapter up because it was nearly 4 thousand words.


1 - The Stepford Slaves Part 2

Matilda came out will a little pushcart from the kitchen and started to hand out the plates of hot food.

"I've made this one just for you, Dearie." She placed a covered plate in front of Eden and lifted the lid to reveal something different from the rest. The others had bowels of oatmeal with freshly ground cinnamon and chopped apples. Eden had sliced strawberries, peaches, topped with fresh whipped cream.

Eden's mouth watered. The food looked positively delicious but of course Sofia had to ruin it.

"Since when do we get special treatment?" Sofia whined.

"No one likes a brat, Sofia." Matilda shot a narrowed glair Sofia's way and turned back to Eden, who was now laughing. "Eat up before the cream settles, Dearie."

"Thank you." Eden offered the older woman's hand a gentle squeeze before spearing a chunk of peach with her fork and dipping it into the cream. She popped it into her mouth and almost moaned with delight. It was sweet yet not overpowering and was just the way she liked it.

Sofia wasn't having it though. "Declan-"

He held his hand up, silencing her. "That's enough, Sofia."


Declan slammed his hand against the table. "I said enough! Do not dare question my actions again. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir." Sofia grumbled, looking at her hands in defeat.

"Now apologize to Eden."

Sofia grumbled something then spoke. "I'm sorry." She averted her attention back to her food and ate in silence.

Declan broke the quite that filled the space. "I'm going to need Darius today so you four will need to pitch in to cover his share of the chores."

Jude, Ben, Sofia all spoke at once, a unified "Yes, Sir." But Eden stayed quiet, not knowing what her role would be. She hadn't been officially given any responsibilities.

"Ben, you're responsible for Eden today. She goes where you go. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." Ben seemed all to eager to answer this time.

A sudden heat invaded Eden's cheeks and her back stiffened when she remembered her first night with Ben. She didn't want to be alone with him or any of them. What she wanted to spend her days up in her room. At least there she was able to pretend she wasn't a part of this mess.

Eden's appetite vanished but continued to eat out of fear. She didn't want to anger Declan. The others started to talk around, carrying on as normal while she forced another chunk of strawberry into her mouth. The joy of the meal vanished. Now it all tasted sour and rotten.

Eden's inner thoughts were getting to her. The others laughed and joked like they weren't kept here against their will, like they weren't Declan's prisoners. Their enjoyment of each others company was making her feel ill. She didn't know how much more she could withstand before her anger boiled over and be began to drop truth bombs on their parade.

Eden even caught Darius laughing every now and then when Jude would whisper something in his ear. She even went as far as kissing his cheek and leaning her head on his shoulder. When Darius meet Eden's gaze a cloud of misery filled his eyes and his smile faded away. That stony, emotionally dead look consumed his features but he wouldn't look away.

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