7 - Eden's New Room (8/7/2018 New Chapter)

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Video: You Belong To Me by Cat Pierce

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter seven update coming soon...


7 – Eden's New Room

                  Eden awoke to a brilliant sunny morning. A new day. A fresh start. A do-over. Yes, that's precisely what this was, a do-over. 

The curtains were pulled back, allowing this bright new beginning to greet her with full force. The sight and feel of the warm sunshine brought a smile to her lips. All four windows were wide open. She inhaled deeply, allowing the fresh, crisp air to fill her lungs.

Then she heard it, her favorite morning greeting.

The sweet sound of chirping crickets and other morning life floated up. It was all music to Eden's ears. 

It was all a dream. Eden thought. It was just a terrible, terrible nightmare. But now I'm awake, and everything is as it should be. I'll gather my things, head downstairs and go home with Diamond at my side and we'll both be forty grand richer.

She rolled to her side, naked underneath the covers, and comfortably warm, if not a little hot. She winced at the sudden pain in her lower arm and her smile faltered, then faded to a scowl as she noticed a white patch over her arm.

No. No... NO!  This can't be real. It was just a dream damn it; it was not real! But the white bandage covering the length of the inside of her forearm told a different story.

It wasn't a dream. She had slapped Harold Humphrey. She had been betrayed by her closest friend, her person, for a little bit of money.

Eden bolted up and gasped at the pain stabbing her temple. Suddenly the sunshine filtering into the room was bothersome, and she wanted it to go away. 

This can't be happening to me. Eden groaned out her frustration into her hands.

"Good morning, Eden." Came a cheery voice from the dimly lit bathroom across the room. The owner of the voice was British, and the tone of it reminded Eden of Mary Poppins. Stern but sweet at the same time, if that was even possible. 

"Who's there?" Eden hissed when she shifted her weight and leaned on her wounded arm to try to catch a glimpse of who was in the dimly lit bathroom.

She could only make out the shadow of movement beyond the mouth of the doorway, heard the light clinking of bottles shuffling around and the soft hum of a lullaby.  Moments later, the sound of rushing water filtered out as a tub was beginning to fill.

The visitor finally revealed herself.

An older woman, dressed in a neatly pressed dark gray and white maid outfit, poked her head out of the bathroom. Her salt and pepper hair was pinned back into a tight bun and not a hair was out of place. The fine lines around her mouth and eyes revealed her age as her smile reached her eyes.

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