13 - Breaking Free (New Chapter)

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Video: Paint it Black by Hidden Citizens

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter fourteen update coming soon...


13 - Breaking Free

Eden staggered back from the door when Declan began to pound against it on the other side. His booming voice tore through the room. "You've made a grave mistake, Eden!"

"Fuck you, you freak!" She screamed just as loudly back at him.

Another series of thunderous blows erupted against the door. The wood shuddered underneath it, threating to burst open at any moment.

"If you open this door right now I will only allow Ben to lay with you tonight. If you choose not to obey, then I will allow every cock in this house to turn you inside out. Do you understand me?" His tone dripped with an oddly calm authority and for a mere second Eden considered opening the door.

Eden grabbed any heavy object she could get her hands on and chucked them at the door, screaming like a bloody lunatic. "I'd rather die!"

Her hand landed on a silver jewelry box. Without hesitation, she slammed it against the long mirror over the double sink. The mirror shattered into a million lethal shards. They twinkled down like rainfall, covering the counter and sprinkling the floor at Eden's feet. 

Declan slammed his muscled bulk against the door causing it to shutter in its frame. But the lock held strong.

Eden knew it was only a matter of time before it would weaken and Declan would be granted access to the room. Then what would become of her? Would he really make every man in this house rape her?

A part of her willed her hand to open the door, to allow Ben to have her because the thought of Declan following through with his other threat terrified her.

She glanced around the room as panic consumed her every thought. There has to be a way out of here. 

The jewelry box she had thrown at the mirror lay on its side in the sink, partially covered in shards of broken glass. She grabbed it, cutting the side of her hand in the process and thought she could aim for Declan's head once he got in. Incapacitate him then run like hell.

The picturesque window caught her attention; only there wasn't a way to open it. It was just a large rectangle pane of glass overlooking a section of slanted roof.

Her gaze dropped to the jewelry box clutched in her hand then back towards the window. This was her way out. This was her only way out of this mess. She ran at the window, stopped long enough to pull her arm back to pitch the metal object as hard as she could, aiming for the middle of the glass.

The window exploded on impact. Like the mirror before it, glass rained down, clinking and clattering together. 

The heavy blows against the bathroom door quickened. The door jam cracked, loosening the locks hold even more. "Eden! What have you done?" he roared. 

Eden didn't answer. She ran toward the window at top speed, oblivious to the glass biting into the soles of her feet. She smashed the remaining shards of glass from the windowsill, clearing it to crawl out onto the roof beyond.

The door jam gave under a final blow, the final blow that got Declan into the room right as Eden pulled herself onto the roof.

Their gazes connected.

Panic surged through Eden's veins as he charged towards the window with pure rage etched across his face.

Eden's grip on the windowsill tightened. She leaned out, trying to see where the roof led to on either side of her.

That was her first mistake.

She shouldn't have taken her eyes off of the doorway, off of Declan. 

He grabbed Eden's injured arm in a death-like grip. His hold sent a bolt of pain shooting up the entire length of her arm.

She cried out, struggling to pull free as he yanked her closer to the gaping window and back into the bathroom.

"Let go of me you freak!" Her words echoed out into the inky night as she threw her weight backward.

The sudden movement almost dragged Declan out of the window after her. His grip sipped down to her wrist, then the palm of her bleeding hand; over her fingers then he held nothing but air.

This was Eden's second mistake.

In her urgency to escape, she fell backward, landing hard against the slanting roof where she slid, scrapping her back against the sandpaper-like tiles.

She stared up at a brilliant dark sky filled with billions of beautiful stars. Then her feet came into view, followed by her legs. They tumbled over her head as she somersaulted backward off the roof into the open air.

She was free falling.

It happened so fast she didn't have time to utter the smallest of screams. She tumbled through the air, not knowing what end was up or where she would land.

Her back slammed against the surface of freezing water.

Her body plunged to the bottom where her head smacked against something hard. Perhaps it was a step or the shallow end of the pool. She didn't know nor did she really care.

In her state of confusion, she sucked in what was supposed to be air. Instead, water filled her lungs, chocking off her screams.

She couldn't move.

She couldn't breath.

She couldn't see anything.

There was only pain and darkness. The void, her oblivion, had somehow morphed together with her reality.

It was then that she realized she was drowning. The billions of stars she had once experienced in the void were now real, right in front of her. They were above her, consuming her with their effortless light.

They rained down like sparks from the heavens, landing beside her in the darkness below the surface.

She gasped for air.

More water filled her mouth.

Her body shuddered once, twice, and then went oddly still as she floated towards the surface as though God himself had dipped his hands in the depths to bring her home.

She was free now. Free from the pain. Free from the threat of what Declan had in store for her. Free of her past.

Eden welcomed the final darkness surrounding her and embraced it with open arms.

Words: 1,117

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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