1 - Refusing To Eat (9/14/2018 New Chapter)

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Video: Rockstar by Post Malone ft. 21 Savage

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter 2 update coming soon...



1 - Refusing to Eat

Nearly week had passed since she last seen Declan. He hadn't made another appearance, neither had any of the others. The eggshells Eden tiptoed over faded away, and an odd sense of comfort started to settle in.

Her daily routine was one of complete and utter boredom. She stuck to her room, refusing to leave it for mealtime or any other activities.

The fear of facing Declan's wrath stopped her from leaving the room. Every time she'd touch the doorknob she'd freeze. Her chest would tighten. Her breathing would quicken as she thought of opening that door and finding Declan waiting on the other side.

The crippling feel of dread would only cease when she'd let go of the handle and back away from the door.

She'd find herself crawling back underneath the cover and burying herself in their warmth only to succumb to disturbing dreams where Declan managed to dominate them as well.

In one Declan had forced himself upon Eden in the most savage way, ripping the clothes from her body and beating her until she bled and begged for mercy.

Other's involved a replay of the night Ben had almost raped her. But in the dream version, it was oddly different. Eden didn't need to hit Ben because he refused to listen to Declan's order. Instead, he told Eden to dress and leave the room. In a fit of rage, Declan was the one that hit Ben, punching him right in the face before slammed Ben face down over the foot of the bed. Declan made Eden watch as he raped Ben. But unlike Eden, Ben didn't fight against it. He laid there motionless, trapped underneath Declan's thrusting hips and allowed the assault to happen. Ben stared at Eden with vacant eyes, slipping into his own version of the void. It was the place that would offer him the most mind-numbing comfort.

She'd awaken in a cold sweat and stare at the canopy above the bed until the sun rose and filtered into the room, signifying a new day in her personal version of hell on Earth.    

Matilda kept her company, for the most part, dropping in at mealtimes to urge Eden to go downstairs or merely bringing meals to her room, which she always refused.

Eden had made up her mind. She was on a hunger strike. 

But if it weren't for Matilda or one of the other maids that occasionally checked in on her, Eden would have spent her days sleeping the world away. Would have sunk deeper into the dark depression that was clawing at the edges of her new reality.

Starving one's self will do that. Eden mused, fighting off a wave of dizziness.

It would have been simple to allow the void to swallow her whole, to get lost in the sea of nothingness and check out. But a part of Eden clung to the thought of breaking free of this madness.

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