17 - Day 21/The Letter (unedited 9/2/20)

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7 – Day 21/The Letter

Eden read the letter in its entirety once then twice. She couldn't believe it. Ben had wanted to come to her, to keep her company, but couldn't.

Over the past few nights Declan had be on a war path and Ben was the main person of the receiving end. Declan knew something was amiss, that Ben had grown fond of Eden, yet all Eden wanted was a friend. Someone who would make her feel less lonely in this house.

Ben kept his distance, but she was always in his thoughts. He told her about a dream he had in which the two of them spent an evening together out in the rose garden. She got lost in his story of how they laid in the grass underneath the night sky. It was so dark that nearly every star within space could be seen shining and twinkling up there.

Then the oddest thing happened in his dream. The stars in which they were watching began to rain down. And as they touched their skin the stars tuned to water. The night sky was literally rain down stars.

[add more to this section with the letter]

Eden wanted to know more of his dream. Did he dream of holding her, kissing her, or maybe even as far as making love to her? She was never one for senseless emotions, but her mind conjured up the most wonderful outcomes. She wanted to experience his dream and wondered if the stars within his mind were the same as her own.

But as her eyes continued down the page, a burning ach began to build in her gut. Keelan was dead, found hanging within his room. Her eyes remained dry even though her heart ached. She knew Keelan's death would come eventually, given that Declan had threated his life on more than one occasion.

Her eyes skimmed those sad parts before traveling back to the ones where Ben tells her he misses her and back to his dream. She didn't know how many times she read his letter, but at one point her eyes clouded over with tears for the dead.

She couldn't stop it now.

As she read about Keelan's death one last time, Eden brought the pages to her chest and allowed herself to feel. Only she wasn't crying about her brother's death. She was crying because she had no one. No friends. No family. Nothing.

No one to miss her. No one to look for her. No one would find her here, in Declan's house.

The fight which burned within her heart and flooded through her veins was fleeting, leaving her a cold, empty shell. Was it finally time to give into Declan? Allow him complete control over her person, her body.

Eden slammed the back of her head against the wall, ignoring the pain and sobbing, "How could you?"

Another thump and another. Then something wet tailed down her neck. The pain in the back of her skull was so immense that it was almost numbing.

Eden curled up on her side still clutching that letter in her hands, "I'm sorry. For everything I've down." She cried, "I'm so fucking sorry."

She continued to sob underneath that red hot light. After a while, it clicked of, casting her once again in total darkness.

*** Into the past***

On Eden's eighteenth birthday, she aged out of the system. It was farewell to group homes and the foster care system and hello to adulthood and near haplessness. If it wasn't for her current boyfriend, she'd be out on the street.

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