7 - Where Did Declan Go? (7/19/18 update)

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Video: Fever by Peggy Lee

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that edits for Breaking Eden are going well. Readers wanted longer chapters so this chapter went from a little over 1,200-ish words to almost 1,900 and is packed full of new content. So give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter two update coming soon...


7 – Where did Declan Go?

30 minutes ago

***Diamond's POV***

                Diamond struggled against the two men trying to drag her down the dimly lit hallway. She wasn't pissed anymore; she was terrified at not knowing where they were taking her and wanted answers but neither of the men spoke. She felt like cattle going to the slaughterhouse. 

                "Get your fuckin' hands off me!" Diamond's voice rang in her ears as she continued to scream.

                She dug her heels in the tile floor and leaned back, trying to slow their movements, but it didn't work. Nothing she tried worked in her favor. When she wouldn't go willingly, they lifted her up and carried her, and no matter how hard she fought against them, Diamond couldn't break free of their hold.

                "Master has been notified and is on his way now to deal with her. He won't be pleased to hear about your behavior." The woman said curtly, following close behind the struggling trio. "He will set you straight."

                "Keep runnin' that mouth bitch and watch what happens!" Diamond strained her neck to the side only to find the woman smirking down at her.

                "We shall see about that."

                The men holding Diamond remained stone-faced and silent throughout their short exchange, and Diamond soon learned that the more she fought against them, the tighter their fingers dug into her flesh. It wasn't until she went limp, becoming dead weight in their arms, that they were forced to stop and drop her feet.

                The woman shifted past them, being careful to stay clear of Diamond newly freed feet as she pulled a ring of color-coded keys from her pocket. She flicked through them, trying to find the correct one.

                Diamond saw her chance. Using the men's firm grip on her arms to ad advantage, she lashed out with her feet, but only grazed the woman's shoulder as she dodged the blow that would have struck her right in the head.

                "Let me go!"

                "Inside." The woman ushered the men forward and into the room, "Quickly now, before she causes a scene!"

                The men rushed forward and deposited Diamond into a chair, finally releasing her arms.

                "Now leave us be." The woman said sternly, but before they could leave she added, "But stay close in case she tries anything." The woman's gaze moved toward Diamond, who was too busy rubbing her aching arms to look up.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora