Chapter 5

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Patricia's POV

The day seemed to drag on until it was finally time to rest up for the night. I tied Sovereign to the wagon and rubbed him down, giving him plenty of water. The grass of the land was his dinner, and I pat his thick neck.

"You did a great job boy," I kissed him good night, and he responded with a light nicker. I walked over to the huge bound fire where the other 16 of us were sitting around eatting dinner, which was black bean soup. I sat next to Daniel as he handed me my plate, and gave me a cup of coffee.

"So, how long have you all been married?" asked Luis.

"Uh, me and Troy only about 7 years," Sheila said smiling.

"While, Diane and I are married 17 years, no one last that long," said Terry as everyone smiled in awe.

"Same here," Marcus said, as he reached for Angela's hand, but she snatched it away, and sat closer to me.

"I'm not married, we've been dating for about three years," I say as I rubbed his fore arm.

"Oh, we're you divorced or?" asked Georgia.

"Uh, my husband passed away from a car accident, we would have been married 17 years last week," I say silently.

"Oh, I'm sorry I said anything," She apologized.

"It's alright, you didn't know," I say, trying to fight the tears back. I still missed him dearly. We ate in silence, when my stomach bubbled again, and I ran to throw up behind a bush. Daniel soon followed, and held my hair, as I kept puking up everything I ate. To tell you, that soup was very good, but I just don't know why I keep throwing up.

"Babe?" Daniel asked as a came back up and held my stomach.

"I don't know what's happening to me, I just don't get it," he ran his hand on my forehead.

"You don't seem to have a headache,"

"I know, I feel just fine, maybe it's something else," I say, as we both return back to the group.

"Patricia, are you alright?" Sheila asked.

"Yes, I just threw up a little, I'm sure it's nothing," I say sipping my coffee.

"Disrespectful," Matthew rumbled. I rolled my eyes, and cuddled close.

"What was that?" said Angela turning red.

"She disrespected my cooking,"

"Well your old ass shouldn't be cooking, or even out here! You should be staying at home in your rocking chair, watching your life roll by you old coot!"

"Angela!" I said.

"Why you-"

"Do something old man!" Angela lunged at him, and I pulled her back, and Cory did the same with Matthew.

"Hey calm down, both of you, this is pointless," I said, as I sat her back down, keeping a hold on her arm.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been feeling very well lately, I didn't mean to affend you, I'm very sorry," I say.

'Mmhmm," he mumbled, with a frown.

"Ungrateful ass," Angela mumbled. I nudged her, and shook my head.

"Why don't you say it out loud?" Matthew asked.

"Ok, I think we all better hit the hay, we have an early start tomorrow," Cory got up, and went along with Luis and Marco to ready the mats.

"Yeah, old cowboy here needs to take his nap anyways,"

"Angela stop it!" I say as we all head to unroll our mats near the fire, and cover up in our blankets. Daniel snuggled closely to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in.

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