Chapter 15

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Patricia's POV

"Some one broke into the house?" I asked Sheila.

"Yes, and they didn't even take anything...," she said. We were having coffee waiting on Diane and Angela.

"Do you think they were looking for you?"

"Honestly, I don't know, but I hope it doesn't come to that," she said. It worried me to death about that. I heard distant shouting, and both Sheila and I turned around slowly, and laughed.

"Marcus for the last got damn time, stop calling my damn cell phone!!! I am fine!.....No it's not my time of the month dumbass! I don't need you checking up on me every 2 stupid seconds!!" she screamed into the phone.

"Would you mind keeping it down please?" Said a woman rudely.

"Would you mind shutting the hell up, I am having a serious conversation with my husband....what the hell are y'all looking at!?" She yelled as everyone in the coffee shop stared.

"Angela, calm down, before you give me a headache," I say, pulling her to the seat next to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Marcus has been acting so weird lately, he calls me every fricken hour asking if I'm ok,"

"Yeah same thing with Daniel, I practically had to beg him to let me come here, I don't get it,"

"Uhh....," I looked at Diane, she seemed worried about something, like she was hiding something from us.

"There's something I have to tell you...." We all looked at her with worry.

"The man.....he's.....going after me," she said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"What!?" I say, sitting next to her, hugging her close.

"It's not just that.......he's going after all of you," she said. The last comment took me back. Why would he come after us, why Diane in the first place.

"Diane, why didn't you tell us?" I asked.

"The question is, why didn't are men tell us, they probably knew already," Angela said.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I've changed my number, I've changed my e-mail, and he stalks me. I tried getting a restaining order, but know one can ever find him," she continued to cry.

"Well, the boys should have told us something, otherwise, I would've found myself in a big problem," I say folding my arms.

"I don't blame him Pat, you shouldn't be freaking out when you're preggo anyways," Sheila said. All of a sudden, all of our phones buzzed at the same time, and it was our own men.

"I'm beating Marcus's ass when I get home," Angela grumbled.

"We better get going anyways," said Diane frantically, looking out the window, Sheila, Angela, and I looked as well, and saw a man with a baseball cap and sunglaases, with an army green jacket on. My heart started pounding when I saw the look on Diane's face. She was terrified.

"I'm beating this bastard," Angela said, storming out the door.

"Angie no!" I called after her. We all followed behind, when she was searching around for him.

"He's gone, scardy ass ran off," My heart rate slowed back to normal.

"Come on, let's go home..." I say. Sheila had picked me up from my house, so she dropped me off.

"Get home safe ok?"

"I will," she said. I entered the house to Daniel pacing up and down the living room.

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