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Two weeks later.

" baby let's go agin" Lola said. She's the girl from Neman Marcus. She's ok, she's not Harmoney or anything but she giving me pussy so we good. Me and Harmoney ain't spoke in weeks and I'm done chasing her ass.

" nahh I got stuff to do" I got up and gave her a look.

" how come after we fuck I gotta leave?!" She looked hurt but I didn't care because we weren't together and never will be.

" like I said I got stuff to do" I opened the door so she could go. I don't have anything to do I just didn't want her here no more to be honest.

My phone started going off and it was Jason.

" my nigga" I answered and he laughed.

" aye you coming to the dinner shit right?" I completely forgot about the pregnancy announcement dinner.

" umm yea I'm on the way now" I hung up the phone before I had to think of more lies. I quickly put some clothes on and drove to his house. When I got there It was about three of Jason's friends and four of Kim's ( including Harmoney). They were all sitting at the table and the only seat so happened to be across from Harmoney.

" piss kim who is that" one of Kim's friends whispered. Harmoney looked uncomfortable and I could tell she was ready to go.

" since everyone is here we have a surprise to tell you....... we're pregnant!" I already knew that so I wasn't surprised like everyone else.
Harmoney looked excited but I could tell it was fake.

" so that means imma be seeing him more often huh?" The same girl whispered to another girl and they both laughed.

I looked at Harmoney and she was trying to distract her self on her phone.

" so y'all gonna have the wedding before or after the baby?" One of Jason's friends asked which was a good question.

" after I'm not about to be looking big as hell in a wedding dress" kim quickly shot out.
We ate and talked. Harmoney didnt really day much she mostly nodded and agreed with what they were saying.

People were leaving out and I stayed to smoke a blunt with Jason.

" umm koi ... you kinda blocked me in" she said looking at the floor. I didn't say anything and just went to go move my car.
I moved my car and seen Kim's friend walking up to it.

" hey your koi right? I'm Kesha I don't think we're formally introduced. She bit her lip.
" ok I know" I turned my car off and seen Harmoney go inside.
" you single right?" This girl was bold as hell.
" umm something like that" I got out the car and locked it.

" same here .. we should hang out sometime" she got closer. Harmoney came back outside, glanced at us then went in her car.
" umm I don't know about that" I walked away and went inside.
" yo tell ya friend to chill" I told kim even though she should know better.

" what she thinks your cute" she laughed. I gave her a look.
" and? You know me and Harmoney had a thing and last time I checked she was your friend too. You had that girl doing all that in front of her and didn't say shit" she was lucky she was having Jason kid.

" boy we both know you off of Harmoney. People be talking and she know about Lola. So just relax your cover all ready blown." She walked away and blew me. How In the fuck do people know about Lola?

I went home and called her.
" hey baby" she answered the phone.
" yo why do people know we fucking?!" I needed to handle this.

" umm we're together why can't people know about us?" I could tell where this was going.

" there isn't an us. We just be fucking and that's it. We don't go on dates and we don't do couple shit." I had to cut her off if she telling my business.

" so you just want me for pussy huh?" I don't know why she was asking questions she already had the answer to.

" yes Lola.. listen I got something to do soo imma hit you up later" I hung up the phone. There was no way in hell I was hitting her up later.
I took a shower and decided to finally hang up the picture my dad got me for my birthday. When it was on the wall I took a picture of it and sent it to my dad .

I herd a knock on my door, grabbed my gun and went to go answer it. I opened the door with the gun in my hand only to see Harmoney. I was confused as hell as to why she was at my house.

" umm is this a bad time or something" she pointed at my gun and I quickly put it away. This was the first time I was embarrassed to be holding a gun.

" oh um my bad, wassup you need something ?" I stood in the door way and looked at her while she looked at the floor.

" I was asked to drop this off " she looked uncomfortable. She handed me the dress she was supposed to wear for the wedding.

" why you giving me this? " the hell I look like having a dress in my house.

"Kim and the other brides maids thought Kesha would be a better fit and look walking with you in the wedding. So instead of driving it all the way to Jason's house he said just drop it off here." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

" fuck them im not walking with that hoe" there was no way in hell I was gonna let kim set my ass up.

" well it's not our wedding so it's not our choice now is it." she looked down and looked sad. I  know she didn't mean it like that but I liked the idea of us getting married.

" but I don't want to walk next to her, I'd prefer to walk with you" damn she looked good and I could really use some pussy right now. I wasn't going to mess with her just for pussy but i missed being inside her.

" sorry" she gave me the dress and walked to her car. I was pissed.

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