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I pulled up to a house that had about seven cars in front of it. I parked my car in the driveway because there was no way I was gonna risk getting my car swiped. Mason parked behind me.

We got out and walked inside. It was cloudy as hell in there, I was glad I didn't bring Harmoney because her and my son was gonna be high as a kite.

We went to where the crowd was. There was more girls than dudes but most of them were ugly as hell.

" baby you made it" a girl came over and hugged mason. She had a low cut and a fat ass. She looked good and I was proud he bagged that.

" yea this my cousin kJ" there was no way I was letting her call me that.

"You can call me koi" I corrected him. She nodded her head. I sat on a stool by the counter. Mason was leaning on the other side with his girl. I pulled out my weed and started rolling my blunt. I seen some girls walk past me to get to the fridge. I focused on my blunt because they were nothing to really look at and Harmoney was better than any girl in this house.

" you tryna match?" I looked up to see a brow skin girl with weave and a Nike suit on. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't all that either.

" how much you got?" I didn't mind match tho it's not like we fucking or I'm asking for her number or anything.

" two Gs" I almost laughed in shawty face.

" nahh I'm good, unless you can find four more somewhere it's not a match" I started rolling my paper.

" it's like that huh" she said in a Seductive tone.

" straight up" I brushed her off.

I finished rolling my last blunt and just before I lit one of the blunts the same girl came back overs to me.

" can I borrow your lighter for a quick second" she put her hand out and licked her lips.

" so y'all threw a kickback with no light" I laughed and lighted my blunt.

" I didn't throw this kickback. Come on.... please" she came closer to me and stood in between my legs. I know she felt my dick threw my sweats but I wasn't about to let it get hard for her.

" yo chill I'm even on none of what you tryna do" I took a pill of my blunt and shook my head.

" what you talking about?" She put her hand on my pants where my dick was.

" shawty I'm not fucking you so just get out my face" I said as calmly as I could.

" scared?" She took my lighter up off the counter and lit her blunt.

" No, I got a girl and a kid that's worth way more to me than fucking yo ass" I got up, took my lighter out her hand and went over to mason.

" here man, can you tell yo friend I'm good and I don't want nothing she offering" I looked at his girl while handing him two blunts.

" I'll try but when trena see something she wants she gonna try and get it." She shook her head.

" in that case imma slide because, my girl at home and she will slap the fuck outta her no questions asked." I dapped up mason and headed home.

I got home and to my surprise Harmoneys car was in the driveway. I didn't open the garage because I didn't want to wake her up.

I went inside and seen some Waffle House on the counter and knew it was mine. I heated it up and went straight upstairs.

My baby was in one of my shirts like usual sleeping in bed. She looked beautiful like always and nowadays she looked more happy.

I changed into some Nike sweat shorts and sat down to eat my food. I ate, watched tv then eventually started getting tired. I pulled Harmoney close to me like usual but instead of putting my hand on her ass I put it on her stomach. I loved feeling my seed inside her growing bigger everyday.


I woke up and felt around the bed, not feeling Harmoney. I opened my eyes and she wasn't in the bed.

" baby you home?" I yelled. No response.
I quickly trapped my phone and called her.

" hello" Where ever she was sounded busy as hell.

" hey baby where you at" I said rubbing my face.

" Walmart we need some food" She sounded like she was frustrated.

" you ok" I walked to the bathroom and got ready to take a shower.

" yea it's just really busy here and some people just don't have manners" I done even know why she went to Walmart especially by herself.

" well call me if anything happen or if you need anything" we said our I love you'd then hung up the phone.

I took a shower then threw on some sweats. I decided to clean up the house a little bit. The house isn't dirty I just wanna wipe stuff down and vacuum so Harmoney won't have to. I also went ahead a started putting up the Christmas tree. The Christmas stuff been downstairs for the longest. Harmoney been asked me to put the stuff up but I've been busy and some days I just didn't feel like it.

The doorbell rang and I knew exactly who it was.

" good morning mr kJ" joeann my dads main maid said.

" good morning" I opened the door and in cake most of my dads workers. I damn sure wasn't gonna do all the shit I just said my self. Hell I wasn't gonna do it at all.

" this is a lovely home mr kJ" joeann went straight to the living room.

" thanks joe I'll be upstairs if you need anything. The Christmas stuff is all right there and our cleaning supplies are under the counter." They immediately got to work.

Two hours later they left and my house looked and felt like Christmas. I threw on the jacket that matched my sweats, grabbed my keys and headed out to go to the jeweler.

As soon as I walked out Harmoney pulled up to the house. Every time I seen her she looked good , even when she pregnant. I'm not gonna lie my son is giving her way more ass than before.

" hey baby" she smiled and waved. I piped her trunk and all of my favorites were inside. Snacks and ingredients to make real food too. I loved that the only thing the baby likes was stuff I liked because I hated when she would make a salad and call it a meal.

I let her go inside and took the rest of the stuff out her car. I went to her car one last time to grab the last bag and my phone rang. 

" what" I answered the unknown number.

" wow koi she looks just like you, I mean down to the eyes." A familiar voice said.

" huh? Who is this" I was confused.

" oh you know who this is, I'm just chilling making my self at home with kayla and little baby kamiah. I do have to say you do make beautiful kids." I knew exactly who it was.

" man what the fuck do you want" I yelled then looked back almost forgetting Harmoney might hear me.

" I want you to feel what I felt, to know what it feels like to loose someone. I don't have any kids but you do and she's right in arms reach. I suggest you better come on over and check up on your little family" he hung up and I was livid.

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