Chapter 5: A Warriors Heart

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I woke up before the sun started to rise for the hunt with Ash and of course Gregory was no where to be seen. I had a bath ran for me as soon as I got out of bed after realizing I was coated in sweat. Last night I had crazy dreams and none of them made any sense. I was running through the woods with no destination. I wasnt scared or running from something but just running...

Before the hunt we were to go to the elves sacred grounds that still doesn't have a name, they're working on it... There we will see how they were faring off and to appoint a Lord and I had just the person in mind for Ash and I to choose.

Long ago elves were under the rule of King Marvis and his one passion and goal to rule over all of Valkri. He and his dark witch Meredith were behind the curse we were under for forty years, trapped behind iron walls fearing for our lives. We became warriors in that dark time, savages even but it brought humans and Fae together something none of us imagined would ever happen. We love alike, we dream alike and we see the same future but like all families we do have setbacks.

I couldn't wear pants and a tunic even if it was the proper way to hunt it was just too hot for heavy clothing. I dressed in a white knee length ruffled dress, paired with a brown waist corset to slim my waist. The sleeves draped off my sun kissed shoulders and puffed out slightly around my wrist. I grabbed my bow and arrows, strapped daggers in my boots, upper thigh and for extra measure I brought my sword. I braided my hair quickly wondering where my maids had went after drawing my bath they usually help me get ready every morning, not that I minded getting ready on my own. I sort of just missed their presence. Getting used to a different town with different rules was hard but I always had the girls to chat with.

I rushed out to the stables just in time Ash has already prepared my horse, his as well. I wondered how early he woke up. "Do you always wear such whimsical attire while hunting?" Ash tilted his head slightly. He looked youthful and even striking this morning as the sun kissed his face. He had a faint glow to him, his eyes light and warm maybe even inviting. I always had thought I was a rough one to get to know but Ash beat me in that department.

"Its too damn hot to wear a tunic. I dont know how you're even wearing those leather pants you are a fool to think this heat wont take you out," I scolded. "Make sure you bring water with you."

"Ive got water for both of us," he rolled his eyes, he did that a lot after hearing me speak. "Let's go we have lots to do today."

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Just the two of us today."

"Is that safe?"

"You are ridding beside a dragon and I am ridding beside one of the creators, I think we'll be more then safe," he said sarcastically as he helped me mount my horse. His hands gently cupped my waist and with perfect ease he lifted me atop the towering brown horse, Blades horse. I'm sure he wasnt too happy about me stealing his horse.

"Thanks," I cleared my throat awkwardly.

He said nothing as he went to his horse and lifted himself atop. I was too busy watching  I forgot to get my reins so when he took off it took me a second. Once my horse caught up to Ashs, we took off through the mountains and to the forest. Day by day it has gotten thicker, barring fruits and the thick smell of water was heavy in the air. I could almost feel all of the springs, creeks and ponds surrounding us. "It feels good to be out here."

"I knew that would help, my people like the mountains the certainty of It. You like change and adventure, you like beauty and you're not afraid to find it. I guess thats one thing we would have in common." Suddenly Ash took off faster through the woods. Since a truce has been signed, for now there's a temporary line neither sides could cross till the truce becomes an alliance.

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