Chapter 24: Throne of Lies

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   I wasn't completely irrational, I at least went to go see Rone before taking Charles head off of his shoulders myself. "We need to talk," I said storming into the throne room. "Nixin nice to see you again, leave," I ordered.

   She looked over to Rone who only waved her off, she gave me an unreadable glare and passed me her skirts swishing with everystep. "I take it Ash has told you about my judgment at trial, nice of you to show up by the way." Did he really think I would after what he told me last night?

   "I thought we agreed he would be hanged."

   "I've had a change of heart," he said not breaking eye contact he seemed bold and ready to fight, thats the last thing I wanted.

   "Don't lie to me Rone you know you cant lie with me... whats going on with you?" I was done with this game I was done coddling him. "You aren't acting like yourself the prince I knew would never put his people in danger like this, are you doing this to get back at me because trust me I'm already paying for my mistakes."

   "I thought it was you who said we needed to be different that killing people is not the answer, not anymore."

   "So whats your plan? You'll let him go to kill humans?"

   "No he'll stay here of course till I can trust him," he rolled his eyes. I couldn't believe this right now... Who was he?

   "A king doesn't have the luxury to give a soulless man the benefit of the doubt," I hissed trying to control my rising temper. "You will have him hanged or I will do the job myself."

   "You would go against me?" he finally stood from his throne and stepped toward me, I didnt coward down and he knew I never would.

   "You are going against me!" I said evenly rising my chin up in defense, taking a step towards him so that my face was in his. "I dont care what we had or who you are to me when it comes to my people I will always chose them. I don't want to belittle you but you are leaving me no choice."

   "Theres always a choice," he gulped. "If you do this I will never forgive you," he said as if that would hold any weight at this point.

   "I think I can live with that," I sneered in disgust.

   Something cold and chilling set in the air around us I was now sure whatever love we did have for each other is long gone. "You're just as much of a monster as Charles if you take his life yourself."

   "I think that's enough," I didnt even hear Ash walk in but with every stride Rone seemed to get smaller and smaller. "I think you've forgotten who you are talking to, Nadia has sacrificed her entire life for nothing in return. She has been by your side your entire reign and when she is most weakened, her mother not even cold in the grave you have the audacity to call her a monster? What does that make you? My king." His words were thick and ragged.

   "Your mother-" Rone looked over to me his violet eyes almost reaching for me, as if something had clicked. "Nadia-"

   I put a hand up, "I dont need your sympathy and after my family leaved here we wont need anything from you ever again. Are you going to have him hanged or will I have to do this myself?" he said nothing as he looked down to the ground, I wasn't even surprised. "Lets go Ash," my voice was hoarse even I could hear the pain in it but I turned around and didnt look back.

   I was thankful for Ash being by my side and not saying a word as we made our way to Charles room. I didnt want to be alone, too afraid of where my mind might take me but I didnt want to talk either. Somehow Ash could sense that. 

    When we got to the east halls I knew right away something was wrong, there was not one Trax guarding these halls. I drew my sword at the same time Ash did, I gave him a knowing look as we silently approached the room. I opened the door with the tip of by blade, my heart dropping when I found two guards with their own swords plunged into their chests. "Theres no hiding this," Ash said looking down at me. "The people will want Rones head for this." He wasnt wrong.

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