Chapter 38: Love me Like you do

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  Within thirty minutes of searching for the hidden crystals in the woods Myra and Kendra came back each with their own crystal, leaving two more out there. "Who do you think will get the crystals?" I asked if it was Balthazar then only one would be left. Nazar and Calum would have to fight for it, the strongest would be given the crystal and enter into the last test: Letting the crystal take over their minds. I had one hidden for Kane as well but he didn't know that just yet.

   "Balthazar will find it," Kane said, "Nazar is has already lost he's the weakest link."

   "Sometimes the weakest link only seems that way to protect themselves," when I did a brief reading on the small boy I could tell he was much stronger then he led on.

   We didnt set any rules except for they could not kill each other so when I noticed Balthazar following his fellow warriors I knew this wouldn't end well. "He gets things done," Ash said looking up at me it could be both a flaw and asset.

   "At what cost though?" I inquired still watching the ice ball Calum and Nazar were getting close in a matter of seconds they will find-

   Thats when Balthazar jetted from the tree he was hiding behind and dove into the spring ahead of them, the two men ran after Balthazar but they were too late he resurfaced with two crystals a vicious smile on his face."May the best man win," he threw the remainder crystal on the ground as the two men backed away each other, now enemies.

   "Stay with Kane," I said not waiting another second as I grabbed the wooden sticks and flew off to the small pond.

   I was proud to see both men at least waited for me before tearing each others heads off, I handed them their sticks. "You are not allowed to use your hands," I said. "Whoever falls first is the loser and will not go onto the final test, good lucky," I sucked in my breathe.

   The two men bowed to each other (a form of respect) before they got into their fighting stance, both waiting for me drop my hand. When I did Nazar went full speed at Calum his stick clashing with Calums and then quickly sticking him in the ribs. Calum growled in pain his dark skin sweating under the suns last rays through the thick forest, out of anger and not strategy Calum lashed out only to be dodged. Nazar was small and quick while Calum was too clumsy and tall, I couldn't help but root for the underdog but I was afraid one good hit from Calum and Nazar will go falling. That is if Calum could catch up he was like a sloth compared to Nazar.

   Calum was breathing in and out heavily his nostrils flaring as Nazar still had a bunch of energy as he hoped from one side to another quickly, trying to deceive his opponent. I could feel the shame and fear radiate off of Calum he didnt want to lose especially not to him but he was going to. Nazar swiftly crushed the end of his stick against Calum legs and he went tumbling to the ground, after that everything happened so fast. Calum went flying back up with a iron dagger in hand meant for Nazar, the only thing that can kill us.

   Without hesitation or any common sense I stepped forward between the two and his dagger sunk into my chest, grazing my heart.  Realizing what he had done out of shock he yanked the iron dagger back out cutting into me even deeper. If this didnt kill me it would surly leave a scar.

    "Get Ophellia!" Ash called out as I watched Kane shove Calum to the ground behind me, I couldn't see what happened next as Ash hovered over me holding me tight to him.

   "Theres a piece stuck," I choked out trying to breathe but every time I tried I could feel the shard move closer from the rusted dagger. "I dont have time to wait for Ophellia you need to get it out now or I'm going to die," I said into his mind as the wounds wouldn't heal... couldnt not until he got it out.

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