Chapter 10: Life is what you make it

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I found Orion while walking through the halls after I got dressed in a simple light blue gown for tonight's ball. I decided since I had nothing better to do, to get his outlook on things. If there was anyone that would tell me the honest truth it would be him, a former demon.

We went to my old chambers to talk in private. "You're going to leave him a note?" Orion scuffed after I told him my plan, "You are a coward."

"I am not," I growled, maybe just a little. Now I was the one pacing.

"You cant run from this," he shook his head. "He'll just come for you," he was right. "For a killer you are very weak just tell him what the witch said," he gave me a look of what seemed to be judgment. "What is up with Fae and their lies, since the beginning of time the fae have been known for their tricks," he rolled his eyes.

"I am weak for not wanting to hurt the man I love?"

"He'll understand and if he doesn't then he's a fool. The witches sight was specific and that's rare. Believe it or not Ive grown to like you and I dont want to see you dead because of a selfish King."

"Why would you call him that? He's been nothing but kind to you and the elves..." I frowned.

"Why do you think that is? Because you were kind to us, even to me considering everything I did to break you," he swallowed down the memories. "Look, Rone is great he is but right now the two of you have two different lives and they just dont go together. You are supposed to rule over all of Valkri not the king and his heart, you have always been so much more then him."

"I love him."

"I know, we all know it but how far will you go for that love? As I said before if he loves you truly and endlessly, he would release you."

"Because I am a creator I will never know happiness. How is that fair?" I hated when the childish side of me wanted to burst out but I couldn't help it, I was just so tired of being the person that had to be relied on. Perhaps I wasnt meant for this, in all reality who would be?

"Thats what my mother once said, till she fell in love again.... I dont know to whom but I seen it in her eyes one moment she's trapped the next she is alive and brand new, you'll feel that way someday."

She fell in love with Ash, though I kept that little bit of news to myself. I wiped my tears and stared at myself in the mirror, the blue ribbon corset brought out my tan skin especially with the short white lace sleeves that ruffled around my shoulders. I took the curlers out of my thick black hair and they came lose in waves around my waist, "I guess I might as well look my best if I'm breaking more then one heart tonight," I said sorely staring at my sunken in cheeks. In the past I was able to cover my small horns but now that was impossible as they now stand four inches tall.

"Life is too precious, especially yours it might not feel like it but you're doing whats right."

"I feel like I'm betraying him."

"Thats how he'll feel but if you married him you'd be failing all of your people," it was a harsh truth, one I didnt want to hear.

"Are you sure your King is even coming?" Ash asked finding me in front of the door to the ball room. I had been standing in the hall by myself more or less praying for a miracle. Ash let himself look me over though he said nothing about my appearance. "As it looks you have no one to walk you inside, may I?" He asked offering his arm. He looked incredible in his dark suit. For once his unruly dark hair was slicked back making him look so much younger and dashing. His grey eyes had a bit of a glow to them, his normal tinged aura a bit brightened—

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