Chapter 42: The Sirens King

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   Ash and I made a rather late entrance to the engagement ball of Rone and Nadia and I'm glad we did. "They really went all out," I scuffed looking at the abundance of white and pink roses scattered over food buffets, extra chandeliers as if one wasn't enough.

   "Nixin and Rone have many adorers."

   "Nixin wrote that it was mandatory for everyone in good health to come tonight," I explained tightening my grip in Ashs arm which was looped in mine. If that wasnt the case I was more then sure these people had better things to do. I looked over to Rone who was sitting on his throne watching Nixin as she surrounded herself around her ladies smiling and laughing. For a second, only a second I felt a twinge of pain before choking it down. This could have been our engagement ball. "Oh there's Orion and Berella," I said shifting through the crowd picking at the buffet. As for Ash and I... I wasn't quite sure where we stood neither of us said much after our moment earlier and I guess it was for the best tonight wasnt about us.

   Orion didnt even look like he tried to dress up for tonight, regardless he looked handsome. I gave Orion a hug and then asked, "So how is Orion?" I asked smiling widely. I guess I couldn't help but be happy for him because I knew finally... I did something right. I gave the elves back their home and with it an amazing leader.

   "Better then ever," he smiled a small blush on his golden tan skin. "How are you doing? I mean with all of this?"

   I grabbed a wine glass off a tray from a passing caterer. "I havn't lost my mind completely," I murmured taking two gulps trying to calm my nerves.

   "Rones looking at you," Berella said as Ash and Orion dove into tactics and future plans. "Have you talked to him yet?"

   "No of course not, why would I?" I scuffed, "We're here just for a quick appearance and then we are going to the field for our own little party." This is my first time being back since my mother died and I though finally I would take this time to really reflect and by reflect I meant have my closest friends with me while we spoke of only good things. There was too much bad, too much we all feared for.

   "You mean a bonfire right?" Berella smiled wickedly. The field was were the Trax usually had their parties, we had many wild free nights at those fires just burning away our troubles for a moment of happiness.

   "Are you finally talking about having some fun?" Orion pretended to be shocked.

   "You'd be surprised how much fun I can be... oh look this is our song!" I gave my glass to Ash and Berella handed hers to Orion as we dove into the dancing crowd. This song was only for the ladies, didnt matter if you were human, Fae or dragon this was a dance for the beauty of life and her story. The music was light and alluring but some notes held longer then others more eerie. As I danced I caught Ashs eye a few times though his walls were in tack and I couldnt read him but I knew that look.

   I pulled Berella aside out to a balcony, "Theres something I have to tell you."

   "What is it? Is the light around the woods still up?" She went to the worst scenario.

   "Of course," I rolled my eyes. It was eating me up knowing how Ash felt, I wanted to tell him how I felt but I needed to make sure I'm even making the right choice. "I have feelings for someone," I said looking out into the night as Berella did the same holding my hand in hers. "And he shares the same feelings only it's not going to work out at least that's what he says."

   "Its Ash isnt it?" She raised a brow, "The moment the two of you met there was friction maybe not a good kind but that obviously has matured to much more. If both of you want each other what's stopping you two?"

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