Chapter 18: Unspoken

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I didnt know what to expect when we got back to court but I definitely didn't expect Nixin to jump into Rones arms. "I'm so glad you're alright," Nixins pale skin against Rones, her hands cupping his cheek almost drew me mad but more curious then anything. Its strange how things could change,how quick feelings can develop and a part of me blamed myself for the two getting close. If I couldn't have Rone then of course I wanted him to find his happiness but everything about this girl was wrong.

"They've gotten close," Gregory noticed his voice laced with a bit of annoyance. "How are you feeling?" I wish everyone could stop asking me that.

"Angry," I gritted my teeth as Scarlett emerged from a carriage that just pulled up infront of the palace, "What is she doing here? I thought she was in the mountains."

"Ash requested her to come back here to accompany him around town, I think he actually wants to spend time with her. He doesnt seem like the type."

"He isnt," I frowned as I watch Ash and Scarlett great each other. For some odd reason Ash and the idea of him with anyone was just odd and a bit revolting, he didnt seem like the courting type and he most certainly was no gentleman.

   Scarlett is too pampered for him, she would grow tired of him and his duties though she was a sweet girl.... shaking the thought away I found myself wondering why I cared? Why was I always so concerned with everyone else?

"Why are you so shocked?" Marcus asked coming beside me as if we were old time friends and I guess to him we were, "She's probably the second most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Who's the first?" Gregory asked curiously as he rested his hand on his sword, I was curious too.

"Berella of course though it looks like she's already smitten over someone."

"She is," I sucked in my breath. I didn't trust Josephine and I guess I'm still a bit shocked they even found comfort in each other but I guess it could be worse. The moment I seen the two together I was enraged but now I knew what they had, what they were falling into. I didn't need my empathy to tell what blossomed between the two and I guess that was the hardest part. Sure she was with James for some time and they did cherish each other but she was never all in, with Josephine Berella seemed whole. I couldn't blame her for finding love but did that mean I was no longer important? I almost felt disgusted with myself for thinking so but I couldn't help it.

From the edge of my vision I watched Rone head straight to us from his horse, Nixin trailing behind him. "Be up at sunrise and in the throne room in the morning, I want this trial done as soon as possible. Make sure Ash and Orion attend as well, no one else," he said cutting his eyes towards Gregory. Which made no sense I told Gregory everything and that would never change I trusted him. "I would have your father here if I could but he's going to be busy for a while in Delphia."

"Of course." Does this mean I have to bow now? Marcus and Gregory didnt, I sure as hell wasnt going to I'd rather slit my own throat. "Will Nixin be joining us?" I tilted my head barring a smile.

"She has to, she's the spokesperson for her people," Rone sighed.

"Her and her people are hardly any importance to Court matters," I scuffed, maybe thats a little childish but I hated her. I hated the way his eyes churned when he even heard her name. In a way I wasn't entirely wrong we have a truce with Dragons Mountain, the elves but we don't have a truce with these people. Human or not I didn't trust them entirely, you cant trust women. Men are more simple and easy to see through but a women with a mission was nearly impossible to stop. Nearly.

"It's been a long day she'll be there in the morning," Gregory said politely but there was a loathing edge in his voice. "Now if you'll excuse us I'm walking Nadia over to her families home, Marcus your coming too."

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