Chapter 7: Stars in Hiding

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After speaking to Rone I found Berella flying over the Kingdom freely her red hair in a long flower braid, she looked happy which made this even harder. The first two weeks after James died was the worst for her, she was fading away. I thought she had just snapped out of it, right I didnt think she replaced one sadness for another.

A few Fae near the iron walls were stretching their wings and clumsily trying to see who could stay in the air the longest. Since flying had been basically impossible during the curse many are just now learning how to fly. The most difficult part is the wight your wings have to adjust to, it takes a while to even get your wings strong enough to lift your own weight.

   Flying was no easy thing but Berella made it look so as she gracefully glided through the air around her. "I knew you were here I felt you watching," she called out. "Josephine and I... I can explain." Her small pale face was pinched with stress. I could tell it was eating her up keeping this from me and I couldnt help but feel happy about it. Berella and I didnt keep secrets from each other but we also havnt been away from each other this long. And if I was to be honest I had my own secrets.

"You have to end things with her," she jerked at the roughness in my voice, her green eyes full of confusion and fury. "She will always be a threat to us... Do you not remember her and her mother Meredith went through any lengths to gather Raven and my power?" That was only a month ago. "She manipulated Rone for years, evil like that doesn't just to away."

"Of course I do, but she's different now!" I could tell that she believed this and I knew that was going to make things harder.

"People dont change that quick. What if she's using you Berella?"

"I can read her Nadia every thought she has. Every feeling that's how I know this is real, thats how I know she's trying to be a better person. I thought you would understand more then anyone here, Rone did. Maybe being Ashs lackey has taken you astray," she said as her wings fluttered in my face. She began flying towards the woods and I flew after her.

"Out of everyone I would think you'd be the smartest," I shot back at her. The last thing I wanted to do was argue about this, "You can love anyone you want just not her, I dont get why you're being so difficult about this?" She stopped in mid air and gave me a disgusted look.

"You cannot tell me who to love," she said as we hovered over the trees, our faces inches apart. "You know I will always respect your decisions so please would you for once respect mine? You still have your family and you have Rone, let me find my happiness in whatever way I can. She cant hurt me." Thats where she was wrong, so wrong.

I bawled my hands up into a fist, my nails biting into my skin. "Well then since you know whats best... when she becomes the death of us these peoples blood will be in your hands," I was unable to look at her. I was so shocked and fumed all I wanted to do was scream.

   Without hearing anything else she had to say I flew off, instantly regretting not being able to put things aside to talk. Its been a month since we've seen each other and the first thing we did was fight. I knew I didn't have to come down so hard on her but I'm the only one who can. Or at least that's how I felt... it's been years of me protecting her. Me guiding her, maybe she just didn't need me anymore.

   That was a terrifying thought.


While making my way to my old chambers a loud rumble of laughter in the hall a crossed from mine echoed through the narrow halls. I followed the sound to an open master bedroom full of woman, these must be the woman Rone was talking about. "Creator," a woman maybe in her early twenties bowed, the rest following their actions.

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