Chapter 40: A life to take

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The ceremony for my winners was quick and simple. The four that earned their place each received a dark blue cloak, the colors of Dragons Mountains elite. They all also received a new sword and armor. If it was up to me a ceremony is all this would be but Ash wanted to have a feast for the victors inside of the manor.

I wasn't in the mood for a party but never the less I smiled when needed but everyone Ash introduced me to were as dull as the next. That was until I met a dashing younger man, "This is the famous Nadia I presume? I am Clay." He kissed my gloved hand and gave me a flirtatious wink. The green eyed elf was gorgeous and he worked his charm like a welder. "More stunning then they say," he mumbled looking up at me. There was something a bit off about him, it was almost as if he seemed a bit cautious of me. "They also say that you are quiet merciless."

I tightened my grip on my cup but Ash responded before I could, "You should know not to listen to gossip," he said evenly. "Clay is a friend of the witches," Ash explained looking behind me to Scarlet. I couldn't help but let the jealousy get the best of me, screw what Gregory said if Ash was already slipping back with Scarlet than I wanted nothing to do with him. Men, dragons, fae they are all the same I couldnt help but feel disgusted.

"You seem like an interesting conversation. Lets dance?" I pulled away from Ash who was frowning down at me, to Clay who pulled me onto the dance floor no questions asked.

"You and Ash seem mighty close," he said looking me in the eyes. Even though he was a few inches shorter then me as he danced it was hard to keep up with how fast he moved. "I dont mind being used especially if its to make Ash mad but you could at least spill the beans. Oh and dont worry I wont tell," he gave me a charming smile as he held me close.

"You don't like me very much," I could tell that much.

"I dont like that you read people whenever you please," he gritted his teeth obviously I hit a nerve. "I dont know what to think about you if I was to be honest. You act like you care about everyone but how do we know you really do? How do we know you dont just care about people like him."

"My job is to care for everyone and I do," I said honestly looking into his swirling green eyes. "I wish I could just protect the people that mean the most to me but that is not why I'm here."

Clay just nodded brushing his thumb along my wrist in a thoughtful manor, "I think what throws people off is how cold and cut off you seem. You smile but everyone can see how miserable you are. I know you lost your mother recently and that must have been hard but no ones seen much of you, rumors spread." Apparently so.

I looked away from him, I hated when people looked sad for me I didn't need anyone's pity. "She was my mother of course it's hard." I don't know what he wanted from me but I was not about to spill my feelings or sorrow to a stranger.

He shook his head obviously not pleased with my answer. "You may have been through a lot but if you think for one second its over you're wrong there's still so much to loss. It's a shame too because you still haven't even processed what you've already lost."

"You dont think I know this?" I wasn't a fool.

"I think you do, I think you're also distracted. You had a party when you could have spent tonight actually training those men and women. Everything is always a show to you people any excuse for a party."

I frowned a bit offended now but then I had to remember that just a year ago I had said the same thing about balls and all parties. I hated every second of them. Tomorrow I'll be going to yet again another celebration full of people I didnt know or hardly cared for when I could be here. "I guess this life does take away the importance of things," I agreed leaving Clay in a loss of words. "I want to be someone people look up to but what people don't get is that day by day I'm growing and learning just like the next person. People often forget that I'm not that much different then them."

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