Chapter 16: Takes Two

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   The inside of Lord Charles manor was glum, old red tapestries hung up on the cement walls, the old wooden floor had no shine to it. What was even more odd was the lack of windows, not a single window.

   Charles sat behind an oak desk in his study surrounded by so many books I had to keep myself from reading the spines. Rone sat a crossed from Charles and the rest of us stood behind Charles. "This is Berella and Nadia, your creators. Lord Orion and his people live in what the people now call Orion mostly elves and they are protected by me and your creators," I almost sighed in relief, he had Orions back I knew he would deep down. "Lord Ash the dragon you met last night has a village in the mountains with hundreds of survivors most all dragons and some witches." He didn't bother to introduce Gregory and Charles didn't care to ask. "I understand you enslave your humans," Rones jaw twitched. "That will end today, every human who lives here is to pack their things and be ready to ride to court in the morning. I haven't yet came to a decision on what to do with this town but for the time being I brought our laws written in ink. I'd like you to look over it thoroughly. Then I'd like you to enforce these rules thats the only way I'll ever appoint you a lord."

   "We dont have the means or want to end up on the courts bad side," Charles coward under Rones stern eyes I didnt need my empathy to tell he was scared shitless.

   "Do you mind if I take a look around?" I asked innocently.

   "Of course."

   "I will accompany you," Ash said coming beside me, Rone gave us a dismissive wave and dove back into conversation with Charles.

  "Be safe, let me know if you find anything," Berella spoke into my mind as we exited the study and into the damp feeling hall.

  "You be safe," I said back.

   "I know what you are up to," Ash said as we passed a couple of fae maids, I could hear their giggles and gossip about Ash as we passed them.

   "I dont trust Charles and something tells me he's a bad seed so I need to find a reason to lock him up," I said simply after all I always went with my gut. "It would be smarter to appoint a Fae or even a human from court, along with some Trax and Ashs guards to ensure their safety here."

   "Charles is power hungry, he wont let go of this place easily and it seems this town worships him."

   "They either stand with us or against us, I'd like to think his people are smart enough to follow their King."

   "And Creator, is it just me or Rone seems a bit too focused? One second he's tripping over his own crown and the next he's ready to be a king? Maybe you were holding him back," that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I shot him a haggard look.

   "Less talking and more looking," I growled. A few minutes went by of poking around and finding nothing but awful decorating taste, the entire inside was so bland.

   "Oh look," I spun around thinking Ash found something but instead he picked up a massive whip hung on the wall of Charles bedroom. "Looks like our Charles is into foreplay," he wiggled his brows.

   "You dont usually make jokes," I eyed him passively.

   He shrugged, "I'm feeling chummy today."

  I guess its better then rude and distant, "Lets get out of here theres nothing interesting."

   "I wouldnt say nothing interesting," he chuckled to himself as we exited the room and into the hall.

   The last stop was the kitchen, I turned around in the massive kitchen feeling defeated until I watched Ash pry open a secret door behind a pantry.

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