Chapter43: Edge of the Blade

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    I gasped in pain as I took out the blade Rone stabbed me with, I felt my wound already start to heal. Rone only stood there any trace of the man I was just kissing gone, his eyes were just as dead as his heart. "You missed," I spat trying to charge at him in a blind rage but I only toppled over my body to tense and numb to move, my vision still fine. That's when I realized he meant to miss. The blade must have been dipped in a stunning poison, "How long?" I cried as I tried to fight the poison but I couldnt move a muscle, not even my head to look at him or the sound of steps approaching behind us.

   "Since the moment I stepped into this shit hole three months ago," Nixins voice carried through the garden but I couldn't see her. "This was far too easy, all I had to do was make you jealous, siren a witch to lie to you about some fake fate for you and the King and then you broke the poor kings heart. Giving me the perfect slot to get to where we are now, brilliant isn't it?"


   "Yes that's what I said," She said bending over to look at me. "Because I'm in my human form I fooled all of you to think I and my ladies were human, all making sense now? Not that it matters you wont remember any of this not when he's done with you."

   "Why not kill me now?"

   She stood back up stepping over my body to sit on the fountain as Rone still stood where he was, "I would but sadly the King has plans for you."


   "Marvis, keep up Nadia," she was joyful with herself raveling in her perfect plan. I had to admit it was a good one and it left me with the shame of letting her use and manipulate the man I loved. I knew he wasn't himself and still I left him to fight his own battles. I left him when he needed me most and that was unforgivable. "They never said I couldn't kill this King though," she said pointing her dagger at Rone who just looked up at her locked in her gaze. "Who knows how many times I had to stop myself from trying. I mean the mans a absolute bore I really dont know how you did it," she gave me a look of pity.

   "You would kill the father of your unborn child," I cried.

   "About that... he's not the father but do you want to know who is? You'll love this," I knew I wouldnt. "Gregory," she watched as my face boiled with rage. "You heard that right we had a romantic night together calling out each other's name in the brink of passion, though he wouldn't even remember."

   What was I going to do? Without seeing her I couldnt use my magic I was useless and vulnerable to anything. I guess in a way the old witch didnt really lie, my love for Rone would lead to my death. I failed. I needed to distract her as long as possible, "Who are you working with?"

   "My ladies and I answer to the old ways to King Marvis and I know you know Meredith. They will bring back the old times, to when Fae like you were our slaves," she spat. "And you know it happens to be that a lot of Ashs people want the same. It was Scarlett who helped me spy on things at Dragons tower. And she did all so that she could get close to Ash," she seemed unimpressed with Scarlett. "That girl really hates you for some reason," Nixin gave me a half smile in delight but before she could continue her body slammed into the castle with a burst of light.

   I couldn't see behind me but I could feel her, Berellas power mingling with my own helping me out of the trance I was in till I could finally turn my head. Rone was being shackled in chains by Ashs guards though he wasn't making it easy on them. While Berella took care of Nixin. Ash then helped me up, I could feel him shaking with adrenaline.

   Though I could stand I could hardly walk. "Whatever she gave me is strong," I said to Ash as he scooped me off of my feet and sat me on a bench.

   "If you dont let me go by the first light Scarlet will kill your precious Orion," Nixin screamed as the guards forced her onto her knees.

   "What are you talking about?" Berella asked putting her sword to Nixins throat without a second though. I guess I wasnt the only one who's changed, "What did you do?" She screamed then slapped Nixin so hard her lip spilt. Everything went silent even Rone who was trying to fight off the guards.

   "As I was saying to Nadia, Scarlet has Orion and she will kill him if I dont return to her. Either way if you keep me here or let me go Marvis will come back," she spit out the blood that filled her mouth looking me in the eyes. "And once he gets me out of those cells I will burn court to the ground and I promise this," she raised her chin as the guards passed us.

   "Lock down the palace no one gets in or out," Ash called out to his guards, "Find the rest of Nixins ladies and throw them in cells."

   "Rone stabbed me-" I said still trying to make sense of everything.

   "Rone is being controlled by a siren we let get close to him," Berella said putting her sword back into her belt, we were all at fault. "Is what she said true?" Berella asked me trying to hope for the best but she already knew, "You lied to me, to everyone that Marvis was no more a threat... Do you realize the danger you put everyone in?"

   "She had no choice," Ash said coming to my defense.

   "Theres always a choice," Berella scuffed as the wind tugged at her trailing dress that had gotten singed somehow. "We're supposed to be working as a team, as equals, when did you stop trusting me?" Josephine came into view a few minutes too late, great. The last thing I wanted was for her to see the gap between Berella and I.

   "Its not that I didnt trust you," I said. White lies, big lies, they all come out and I should have known. "I thought if I could control the witches I'd eventually find a way to destroy any chances of Marvis coming back-"

   "But that didnt happen!" She yelled over me it wasn't like her to yell but she was boiling with anger. "I cant do this right now. I need to save Orion."

   "I'm coming with you," I said trying to get up but Ash pushed me back down.

   "You are in no state to go anywhere we can stay here while she takes some of my men to look for Orion. We'll talk to Rone, see what we can get out of him. Maybe some of Nixins ladies will break also."

   "They're monsters just like us." I said watching Berella leave with Josephine. "I dont care if I have to torture them one by one, this ends tonight."

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