Chapter 6: Back to Black

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   Court is where I was raised and trained to become a Trax, protector of the crown and its people. While I had many good memories here this place also held the worst of my memories. I guess I didnt realize the only thing I really missed about court were the people I left behind.

   As we rode in I could see the point of the tallest tower of the palace, its large stained glass windows hidden with red tapestries. I could hear the sound of music echoing all throughout court, music we feared to play too loud only months ago. The tall iron gates built around court during the curse opened up so we could enter. I hoped off my horse, Ash doing the same as he took everything in. I'm sure lots have changed since he was last here but I didn't think much would change since I've been gone. Everything seemed more lively and full of color.

   Stable boys took our horses for some well needed water and food once we got to to the barns. Behind us I took in the town square. The ground was no longer muddy but covered by fresh concrete painted blue and white to match the white shops around the center of town. Today the streets were crawling with sellers. They sold jewelry, animals, food, clothes and even home goods. And right in the middle of town was where the kids played and danced around the gold fountain as parents watched.

   "Isn't what you expected is it?" I asked looking up at the Lord. Today the town was crawling with shoppers and children, all in bright moods. Even with the distraction and lack of supplies they all had one thing, safety.

   "No," his lips parted slightly as if he couldn't believe his eyes. "I don't mean to sound rude but you have a lot of work to do before court could be considered a threat." That's not something you want a powerful man to say. It was clear he saw us as defenses. "Though in these tough times... your people still seem happy," he said in surprise.

   "Its nice seeing people feel so safe and free thats all they care about they could have nothing and still have everything," it made my heart glow. I was proud of my people, I always have been. Maybe court wasn't as beautiful as Dragons Mountain but the people made it just as lovely.

   We made our way to the large oak doors of the palace. I noticed the lack of guards patrolling but than remembered how many Trax we lost defeating Raven. "Where is the King?" I asked a guard as he shut the doors behind us. The inside of the palace was the same. Peeling wallpaper, dusty chandeliers and torn tapestries. I wondered when the palace would get a makeover. When I first came to the palace I was almost blinded by its beauty I hadn't even noticed it held a darkness. With this castle held powerful energies, it was enough to make any king go mad. Perhaps that's what happened to Rones father. Whatever it was... I knew this palace couldn't stay standing forever.

   "He's in a meeting in the throne room."

   "Where is Berella than?" I inquired.

   "She is with Lady Josephine in the gardens," he cleared his throat awkwardly. I guess gossip travels fast.

   "We'll see Berella first," I chirped to Ash as he followed me down the hall to the back of the palace and to the French glass doors.

   "Are you sure this is a conversation I should be here for?"

   "I'm not letting you out of my sight," I bristled as I opened the glass patio doors. "I dont care who she falls in love with it just cannot be her," I knew he was judging me.

   "Because you dont trust her."

   "She tried to kill King Vern, Rones father."

   "And he let her live?"

   "I let her live," I explained which only made things less clear. "She's just a girl after all and she was manipulated her entire life to fight for something she never even wanted. She's useless without her powers, also she doesnt even know how to weld a sword she's pretty much harmless."

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