Chapter 29: Not another memory

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When I returned to my old run down shack, my mothers once home Berella, Gregory and Ash waited for me. "Is Simon asleep?" I asked. It felt weird being in here, this would be the first and last time I'll be in here without her... hopefully.

"Yeah and your brother Noah visited he wanted to speak with you before you left, I think he and Gloria want to go with you," Berella said giving me a hopeful look.

"Really?" I frowned Noah loved it here, his status.

"He thinks it would be best for you all," and he would be right. Simon needed his family, I almost forgot how badly I once needed them as well I still do.

"I'll make sure I visit them," I said distantly. I then looked over to Ophelia, "So catch me up," I sat down on the table in between Ash and Berella, a crossed from Ophelia and Gregory.

"Ophelia and her people are just outside of the dark woods. They have been battling with the dark witches since the curse started. These witches are powerful and grow day by day, stealing children in the middle of the night."

"What is the dark woods exactly?" I asked.

"Its nothing like the enchanted woods," Ophelia said. "If you dont know your way around you could be killed from as little as a poisoned lake, everything is dead and rotten. I've seen some dark witches sneaking around your woods so close to court, they are planing something I can feel it."

"How many witches do you think live in the dark forest?" I asked.

"Too many," she said. "Going dark is a choice, a choice most white witches chose to make in order to survive. Not me though I will die with my light," she rose her chin up high. "My people need you if we dont find a way out for us then I'm afraid my people are good as dead."

"You cant negotiate with dark witches," Ash said looking over to me already knowing my next question, sometimes I though he could read my mind... "And you know just as well as I they could be the threat Charles was talking about." He was right.

"Are you saying we kill them?" Berella asked, I started feeling a lump form in my throat. If any of us had anything in common it was that we were drowning in death, we didnt want anymore of it. Though that would be a wish that seemed unreachable.

"I'm saying we save Ophellas people and put up guards between court and Dragons mountain, keeping them in. If we have no choice then you know what needs to be done," if they threatened our people then they were a threat we had to dispose of. No matter the reason it still felt like a step backwards all I could do was hope one day... We wont be deciding who's lives were at stake, we wont have a say in who lives or dies.

"Okay," I breathed out give an unsure nod. "How many people do you have? If we can't go through the dark woods we'll need some wings," I said now looking at Ash.

"I can gather some men," I knew it was a lot to ask. Shifting was painful for them and some didn't have control when they could shift back, something I was going to have to fix soon for the next especially with all the help they've provided court.

"About two hundred," that was a good number. Normal circumstances we would find anyone a threat till proved otherwise but these witches have made their oath to the good of Valkri. We couldn't turn them away. "Thank you," Ophella said grabbing Berella and my hand a look of hope in her brown eyes.

"It's what we do," Berella said looking over at me a small smile on her freckled face. "Now, I think its time that the birthday girl has had a night of peace," her smiled widened.

"You remembered?" I asked a bit taken back, even I had almost forgotten today I am nineteen.

"Of course I did and you wont believe what we have planned tonight and dont even try to complain this took us hours to put up!"

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