Chapter 30: We have each other

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   After what seemed of hours of dancing and sloshing around wine I took a break, surprised Gregory even wanted to continue dancing. When we danced I noticed many girls eying us with envy, I wondered why he hasn't even tried to court any ladies here. He has had a few one night stands but that wasn't like Gregory sooner or later he will crave more. 

   Long ago he told me he'd wait for me even if there was nothing to wait for, he'd earn my trust back and he did. Maybe I still loved Gregory more then I maybe should after all attraction doesn't just go away. He was my first love, my best friend but like I learned with Rone I learned with Gregory some time ago. Two people can love each other entirely but time changes people, lose and life changes emotions and thats the hard truth. Nothing lasts forever not when you live forever.

   "What are you doing on the sidelines all by yourself? Berella has been looking for you."

   Ash emerged from between a shop closed down for the night his cool grey eyes misting over with sleep, "Just getting some air."

   "I got you something," he said giving me a mysterious grin.

   I was now intrigued, "What is it?"

   "Close your eyes."

   I frowned, "Why?"

   He sighed giving me an exasperated look, "Must you always have so many questions?"

   "Fine," I wrinkled my nose and closed my eyes, feeling Ash move behind me made me tense up a bit... trust. Without it we'd have nothing. I then felt something cold rest on my neck and flinched still keeping my eyes closed.

   "I remember you saying how much you loved butterflies... you can open now," he said as his breath caressed my neck. I looked down to a beautiful silver chain with a blue sapphire butterfly charm. "I made it myself for you the sapphires have been blessed by Ophelia with the gift of shield. Now no one will be able to kill you not with that on."

   "How is that even possible?"

   "Theres always loopholes Nadia."

   I didnt know what to say I started with, "Thank you, I didn't even know you knew about my birthday let alone did I think you'd get me something so beautiful, you didnt have to." Suddenly I remembered the picture I had seen in one of Ashs rooms in the manor, a charm Lorelie wore it was shaped like a heart with blue sapphires. For a second Ash wavered away replaced with a more happier version of himself. I realized I was having another memory.

   Ash placed the heart necklace on Lorelies neck then brushed his lips against her neck, this seemed far to personal for my liking. I forced myself out of the memory, it was the last thing I needed tonight.

   He shrugged stuffing his hands in his brown trousers, "I wanted to." Day by day Ash and I have gotten closer and I had no idea what it meant if it meant anything, did I have any type of feelings for him other then friendship? Of course I did and fighting it seemed useless. Gregory is my friend and I encourage him to make lady friends but the thought of Ash being with Scarlet made me almost sick with envy.

   "I've heard rumors," I said finally. "Rone has decided to marry her should be within the month, which is good for him I guess... I should be happy right?" Even though it hurt I wouldn't expect anything less from Rone. After all I told him to take responsibility, I told him it was okay... "I'm okay," I said honestly if anything I just felt numb after all my mother died and I was left to raise my brother, I had more pressing problems. "I knew Rone and I were done for good but Its just hard to see him move on."

   Something shifted in Ash, "Well good thing you wont have to step into court unless you have to." I lightly touched the necklace already adjusted to wearing it on my neck as if it were there all along. "So what can we do to make this day more fun?"

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