Chapter 11: To the end of days

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When I got back Nixin and her ladies were gone which was a relief. I then noticed Ash was dancing with Scarlett one of the Rones councils members daughters. We had been close friends before Clara died, before I decided my heart was with protecting my people by joining the Trax and hers was finding love, marriage and children. For all her dreams of love she still has not found it. She's had countless arrangements that her father had made for her but yet she's still on the market.

Scarletts golden blond hair lit up the room, her green freckled brown wings limp down her body. She's beautiful and when you caught her golden brown eyes it was as if they could swallow you whole. Growing up both human and fae boys adored her, chased after her but she didn't give them a time of day. She had always said when she finds the one she'd know, that love is inevitable and it would find her. Tonight she looked captured by Ashs dreamy eyes, swooned by the dimples that formed when he smiled down at her. I noticed the way he held her close, similar to the way he had the other night with me. Only he was actually laughing...he was having fun.

"Nadia?" Berella put her hand on my shoulder. "We need to talk."

"No," I said eyeing her carefully. "I think I may have overstepped... I want you to know that I trust you and that all I want for you is happiness. So forget all those things I said, all I ask of you is to be careful. Even I hold secrets from people I trust, you should as well," I cautioned hugging her tight. Making sure no one could hear us I said, "A witch in Dragons Mountain had a vision of Rone and my future, she said he would be the death of me." Sometimes it's hard to come to Berella about these things. I was so used to protecting her, holding her back just like Gregory did to me years ago.

"And you believe her? Witches dont have magic anymore-"

"Witches will always have their sight," I explained.

"You need to fight his," Berella frowned shaking her head as if nothing I said made sense. "After everything this cant be the end for the two of you."

"I hate to say this but I think things ended the moment I left Berella. Even when we would sneak to see each other things were so misplaced. Besides its just a sign, he's already been entertaining Nixin against my warnings. The love we shared before I left is not love but something far much darker," I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, Berella ushered me out to the empty halls. "Having to look in his eyes and know he doesn't see me the way he used to tore me to shreds and I dont know what happened. The spark, the fire its gone and I cant help but feel like its all my fault." Berella held me tight as I sobbed uncontrollably in her arms. This was everything I had been holding in, all the anger and fear I couldn't let anyone see.

"Not all loves last Nadia, you should know that more then anyone. We are going to outlive everyone we know, everyone we love will eventually die, unless they are a dragon Of course but that's just the will of life." Berella was always right to the point, she always found a way to see past the problem. Maybe that's how she got over James so fast. She grieved him and than put him in a little box in the back of her mind.

"It doesn't make sense," I repeated. I'm angry Rone gave up on us the moment I left and not only on me but his people. There was something I was missing, something happened after I left and I will find out what.

"Rone is your one true love, theres no question about that. The two of you have spent centuries fighting for each other, losing each other, the cycle had to end at some point. You are full of so much love, I mean I should know. I know you like the back of my hand, I feel you in my spirit, I feel when your crying, when your lost and I send you my strength. Because at the end of the day its us, we mean everything to each other and we always will be."

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