Chapter 22: Best of days

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   When we got back to court Ash had Arisella secure in her own barn guarded by ten Trax, "You really think someone would try to steal her?" I asked as I watched her curl up on the barn floor with her plenty of blankets.

   "She is a lot more the just a flying beauty but a tool that can be used wrongly in the wrong hands. The blood of a Pegasus, a feather from her wing, even a heart of a Pegasus could be useful to a witch with dreadful plans or wishes," he explained.

   "When I stripped Josephines magic I stripped every witches, my Pegasus would be no use to anyone without magic."

   "True but a pegasus is magic, it can be controlled and obtained for more. Not to mention you've taken magic from a coven witch. There used to be clans of all kinds of witches with all different kinds of beliefs and history though they usually stayed to themselves lets hope that remains the same."

   "If we were to run into a different kind of witch how high is the risk?" I asked as we left the barn.

   "Very high you seen what Josephine could do. To make herself ageless requires a great sacrifice and a great amount of power, I'd actually like to hear her story one day."

   "As do I," I snorted. "The closest she's gotten to anyone is Berella and even Berella doesn't know who she's dealing with."

   "Has it ever crossed your mind maybe she does?"

   "Josephine may want to change but I can see it in her eyes she knows she doesn't belong here. She doesn't want to be here, we are not her people and no amount of love from Berella will heal what we did to her."

   "You see things so black and white."

   "People are that simple," or maybe I was just bitter.

   "Is that what you think of me?"

   I rolled my eyes as we made our way back to my family's hut, I didnt even want to know how late it was. If I didn't have Ash tonight I might have set the entire woods on fire with my own rage, I still might. "Of course not."

   After a moment he said, "You know some people are just too good at loving everyone but themselves. Its easier to focus your whole heart on someone else then the main problem."

  "Is that what you think I did with Rone?" I tried not to sound upset but I couldnt help it. Who wants to hear what they have failed at?

   "I'm not saying I know you but we are similar in many ways. I've filled voids in my life loving and perfecting others because I never wanted to focus on my own problems. We're each other's worst enemies at the end of the day," He said stopping in front of my door. "And if I could leave you with one last thought it would be this, you felt love and you were loved let that be enough. Let what you need be your only focus now," he smiled lightly, "While leading the entire world of Valkri of course."

   "I don't know wether being compared to you is a compliment or not."

   "Look how well I'm doing."

   "You dont seem happy," I said bluntly.

   His face fell and he cleared his throat I guess I never knew the right things to say either, "I'm as happy as one in my position could be." I wish I could understand what that meant.

   "Goodnight Ash."

   "Goodnight." He watched me walk inside and I did the same through a tiny window as he walked towards the palace.


   I didnt sleep that night, I couldn't. Not with my mothers slow sharp breaths, not with all the pain I felt through her. She's lived a long life but she wont see the life I will make. A life she would be so proud of. I've lived most of my life so distant from my family and that was my biggest regret because now it was just too late.

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