Chapter 28: Tastes like Gold

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   When the rain in the woods finally subsided we began to make our way back to the group, Arisella had told me they made camp and would wait for us till we got back.

   Well into the night we found their camp by an old creek, everyone was asleep but Ash and I hadn't the need for sleep after tonight. "When they wake we'll tell them the plan," I said sitting on a rock next to Ash watching fireflies hover over the lapping water. "When we get back to court I want to leave for Dragons Mountain imidiatly, after I visit my mothers grave of course."

   "How do you think Simon will do around my people?"

   "I think he'll flourish, I've seen your schools and well in due time I hope court takes on some of your lessons your schools teach. Theres so much you teach the young that we don't." I was of course taught of Mother Valkri and how she alone made this world and its people, our entire town brainwashed by Raven to believe in something that never existed.

   "Good," Ash said getting up abruptly his eyes searching the night. "We are being watched," Ash hissed. As he said something I started to smell something foul, my bones tightened and my head hammered. "Dark witches," he grabbed me by the arm. "Too many of them and they could stake your heart with iron in seconds, we need to go now wake up everyone, go!"

   "I'm not leaving you here-"

   "Nadia," he growled impatiently. "Get the King on a horse now! Then you can help me, I'll fend them off till you get back." I took a second to think, Ash or Rone? I didnt have much of a choice not when Ash was depending on me. I had to listen even if every bone in my body told me to stay and fight. 

   "Be safe, we need you," with that said I ran off without saying anything hoping Rone will listen to me and not be stubborn.

   I found Nixin awake in her tent glaring down at Rone, almost in a way you wouldn't look at the man you loved... I pushed away the thought his love life isnt my problem anymore, if her goal was to be queen she can have it. I just hoped Rone made the right choice in this moment. "There are witches near by we need to get you two on Arisella and in the sky fast."

   Nixin shook Rone roughly awake and repeated what I said, surprisingly he didn't argue he put on a blouse, his sword and followed me out of the tent. "I can't leave you again," Arisella pleaded.

   "We cant let the king die," I said to her. "You need to stop worrying so much," I put on a brave smile as Arisella gave Nixin trouble mounting her. "Be nice," I spoke into her mind.

   "You dont even like her."

   "Thats besides the point," I then looked up at Rone who just looked out of place with bags under his eyes.

   "He's fine," Nixin snarled reading my concern.

   "I'll meet you guys back at court," I slapped Arisella behind, she kicked out her front legs and her large feathered wings took her off into the night sky. I didn't watch her go, I had to tell Marcus and Musho to ride out as well. To my favor they were already stumbling out of their tents swords in hand, I noticed Marcus had to help Musho up...he was limping, when did he start limping? I thought to ask what happened but a screeching sound came from the rustling woods, stopping us cold.

   "What's going on?" Marcus hissed.

   "You both need to leave, now," I said helping them untie the two horses left. "Rone and Nixin took Arisella to the palace. You guys need to run and don't stop till you are at court. Do you understand me?" I looked to Marcus who was already helping Musho onto a horse I guess now was an excellent time to test Marcus's loyalty. "There are witches out there like Josephine but much stronger then just a coven witch," I explained this seemed to strike fear in the incubus. "These are witches that thrive off of blood and pain they're inhuman."

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