Chapter 21: Old friend

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   I flew until my wings grew tired and soar, untill my tears blinded my sight, until my wings went slack and I tumbled into a field I didn't recognize. I didn't really know where I was but I laid down regardless and just took a second to look up at the sky, the stars that gleamed through the dark how they all twinkled together at their own rhythm . My heart was still pounding but the tears eventually stopped and all I felt was cold and tired. I've told myself over and over not to get attached, Fae don't get attached that things too good to be true, are most time always too good to be true.

   If I had just let things be maybe this would be easier, I wouldn't have to know Rone has been falling for Nixin this entire time. One second I'm on the edge of the world in love and now... I wanted to erase every kiss, every worthless moment I spent with him. Fate brought us together and thats all it was but I could have swore for just a second we were invincible.

   "Thought I saw you aimlessly soaring through the sky," Ash appeared above me on his black horse, his face unreadable and his cloak flying behind him. The last thing I wanted was to see Ash especially from how I acted earlier. "Might want to simmer down the glow you got going on dont want to burn down the forest." He was right. I sat up as my skin turned back to normal, no longer holding the blinding light that I've come to crave. UnlIke any of my other powers, the light was unbeatable. You cant fight something you cant touch or see.

   "We need to get this trial over with and get back to dragons mountain immediately," I said looking up at him as he slid off his horse. "I'm sorry about earlier I wasn't thinking clearly the wine must have gotten to me," I said making a crazy gesture with my finger, my cheeks burned as I recalled my lips on his.

   "I wont hold it against you..." Ash said changing the subject I could tell it made him uncomfortable as well. "Running away from your problems again?" He teased sitting down next to me.

   "You and I both know we have work to do," I said trying to ignore the accusation. "I dont like being in the dark it makes us weak we need to venture out soon for any other villages or towns that survived." I needed a distraction.

   "I dont have many friends," Ash said abruptly still trying to pry. "And to my knowledge you don't have many either, you know what that means?"

  "People fear and hate us?"

   I received a small grin, or maybe I imagined it. "No... it means we cant afford to really hate each other. Especially if you want to work together," why did he always have such good points?"

   "For what its worth I dont hate you," I crossed my arms. "I know I can be difficult and I don't listen to a word you say but I value your opinion." If I learned anything its that life is to quick to save your gratitude.

   "Well thats a good start," he reached out his hand helping me out of the grass. "I want to show you something."

   "What is it?" I eyed him curiously as the full moons light mingled over his grey eyes reviling a stubble that was growing in. I didn't know it was possible to look better under moonlight.

   "Its a secret, after the night you've had I'm sure you could use a night of fun."

   "I'm not sure you and I have the same outlook on fun," I took his hand anyways and let him lift me up on his horse. As much as an experience it was to ride on a dragon I preferred next time we just fly together, even though he could outfly me by two times as much as my speed. Due to the fact in his dragon form his 1,000 times bigger then I am. His teeth are as long as my arm, if I didnt know it was Ash under all the scales I would be terrified.

   I scooted forward on the horse, "You're going to make me ride behind my own horse?"

   "I don't ride behind," I rose my chin as he mounted the horse. "Where are we heading?"

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