Chapter 12: A sirens call

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(Rone POV)

   Rone paced back and forth in his bedroom after his meeting that woke him way before dawn, all the lost time where did it go? He couldn't remember what happened last night, he couldn't remember what he did after Nadia left him in his study.

   "Good news turns out Nadia does have a heart, she lifted my ban so you and I can have some more fun," Nixin said strutting in a red silk dress barely clinging to her body. Her eyes were full of greed and longing but he didn't care.

   "What did you give me last night?" Rone accused Nixin backing away from her reaching hands

   Her pale face tightened, "What do you mean? You drank whine all night."

   "I know my limits there is no way I drank enough to black out, what did you do to me?" Rone pulled out his sword and pointed it towards Nixin, she didn't budge. Normally a young girl would coward before a sword possibly even scream but something dark shifted in Nixin.

   "You know its been incredibly hard to get Nadias attention, I thought for sure she'd leave you after Orion saw me enter your chambers. I was hoping I could have as much fun with the two of you as I could but I guess you are a lot smarter then you look," she snarled. He tried to call out for guards but Nixin was in his face within seconds, her hands closed over his throat tightly and she... kissed him.

It was like a sweet drug with so much bitterness he chocked as if it were poison. He sunk to his knees in a drunk like state unable to move or talk. "You will be under my spell from now on and when I get you weak enough you will tell me how to kill Nadia," Nixins deep blue eyes curiously searched Rones.

   "No!" Rone wanted to yell but it was no use he failed her. Everything Nadia had tried to keep afloat will soon be torn down by no other than... a girl.

   "I even convinced a witch of a vision she didnt even Really see... to tell your beloved creator you'd be the death of her and even that didnt frighten her. Well it didn't at first, I guess jealousy drives every girl mad," she chuckled to herself pleased with her master plan. "It wasn't easy getting you under my spell I have to admit it took days but once you realized you were losing Nadia it was almost too easy getting into your weak mind," she than paused to look at Rone. She reviled in the beauty of watching the spoiled king choke on her poison. "You're probably wondering who I am, I'll show you." Nixin was no longer herself, her features melted into an old ugly hag with white straw like hair and scales for skin. Nixins beautiful blue eyes were more soulless, her razor sharp metal teeth gleaming at him.

   "I am a Siren and you King are no match for me, not when you have no one to love," her voice was now crackly and low. "I was once known as the Queen of the Tides, lost enemy to the throne when Stella ruled. You know... the first Queen of Valkri. There can only be one Queen because your creator says so, only one royal blood and I intend on it to not be you."

   "You will never fool Nadia," Rone growled, "She's too strong."

   "I've already won," the sirens eyes twitched. "Look at how easy it was for me and my woman to swoop in here? Nadia is leaving first light she's not even planning on looking for you and even if she did you will never remember this. You will remember me as the beautiful human maiden you will fall in love with, I will be your Queen," her eyes darkened with greed. "Lighten up King Rone," she then smiled devishly as she shifted back into her human form so swiftly. "This is a love story in a making."

   Finally Rone was able to move and he took action quickly driving his sword through Nixins chest, right through her heart. A pool of blood spilled from her mouth as she clutched the blade in her chest. Rone didn't wait another second, he left her laying on his bedroom floor and raced to Nadias old chambers. Only to find it empty, not a trace left of her left in her room.

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