Chapter 45: Scarlet Witch

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   I broke down the door to my families old hut to find Orion unconscious bounded to a chair in the empty breeze room. "Dont take another step, Orion and I are linked if you kill me he'll die in a matter of hours," Scarlet  said emerging from the darkness. From what I remembered she only had the power to manipulate water elements... though she's never been really good and there wasn't a drop of water in sight. "I'm guessing you have Nixin detained and somehow got the truth out of her, you wont with me," she said licking her lips as she now looked at Ash. "I did this for you," her bottom lip wobbled as the torches lit up her tan skin. "Nixin promised you to me if I helped her, she said you would love me as much as I did you. To the death," she then looked at me the crazy returning in her eyes.

   Scarlett wasnt evil she was just a pawn in a game she should have never been in, I guess some people would go the lengths for the people they love. She continued her long hair sticking to her face as her tears came endlessly, "I never wanted to hurt Rone or sweet Orion... but I wont turn in my grave one bit when I cause you pain," her voice was dark and distant as she spoke to me. "You never thought I was good enough lets face it. Wether it was to be your friend or be in the Trax... or to being with the man you claim you have no feelings for," she shook her head in anger. Even with the tears, wild hair and torn dress she was still enchanting perhaps even more. "I thought I was jealous of you but the fact is Valkri would be better without you. So what better way to make my leave then take the man you love?"

   I frowned searching for the right words, "I never thought any of that Scarlet I dont know whats happened to you but this isnt you."

   "That is her," Ash said calmly behind me but I could feel his mind spinning for a way out of this. "She's been jealous of you since day one. Scarlet you do not love me," he scuffed walking up to her most likely trying to stall whatever plan she had. "You desire to be loved but you never gave that in return you dont think I didnt notice the way you would look at Nadia? You love her so much it kills you inside doesnt it?" I didnt know where he was going with this... sure we were close as children but that faded once I became a Trax. And thats when it hit me. I abandoned her when I got into the Trax and now I was taking the only man she's ever loved, that could make any woman insane.

   "You knew I wanted Nadia the first night we met and you didnt care," He was still standing infront of her as her body stiffened. "You could have found someone to love you."

   Scarlet grasped his shirt and pulled him close, her lips bruising his cheek as she looked at me, "I guess if I have to go you do to," thats when something clicked in her doe green eyes. The lights were out and the Scarlet I knew was gone entirely. "I wish you nothing but pain,"  before Ash could stop her she snapped her own neck.

   I screamed out lunging for Orion untying him from his bonds, "No, no..." I sobbed holding Orions limp body in my arms.

   "Nadia..." Ash staggered over the table grabbing at his heart. "She didnt link herself to Orion she linked herself to me," I heard him choke out. I shuffled over to Ash who slumped against the wall as his veins began to shift black under his tan skin.

  My mind sort of went blank and my fighter instincts kicked in, Berella finally came through letting guards grab Orion. "What happened?" Berella kneeled down watching as Ash took rapid breathes.

   "I feel like my entire body is slowly shutting down," he gasped grabbing at his throat, leaning into me for comfort, grabbing my hand in his tightly. "I'm going to die," I could see the fear in his  eyes as one tear slid down the side of his face.

   "What better way then to take the man you love..." Scarlets words repeated in my mind. Of course I loved Ash... how couldnt I after everything he's done for me and my family? I felt a gratitude to him that turned into something stronger but that was no accident because wether I liked it or not we were mates. Not the way Rone and I was, trapped in a never ending cycle but truly two halves of the same soul. I wasnt going to let that go, I wasnt going to stop trying before it even started. He wasn't going to die not tonight not until he knows.

   "We need to go to Ophella," I sniffled calling for Arisella so I could fly Ash to them. "If a witch casted this a white witch can definitely undo it."

   "But at what price?" Berella stood up she wasnt against the idea but I knew she was scared.

   "Does the price matter?" I asked hysterically as Ash mumbled something his eyes fluttering open and shut.

   "No," she shook her head instantly helping me keep Ash steady. "I'm coming."

   I could hear Arisellas wings fold as she landed in front of the hut, hoisting Ash on I climbed up behind him. Arisella took off as Berella flew behind us with Gregory and my team, "I'm going to fix this," I promised Ash moving his hair from his eyes and kissing his lips softly.

  "Don't give yourself false hope," Arisella said softly and it tore me to pieces because it wasnt for him, it was for me. I had to think he'd be okay or I'd crumble right here.

   "What am I supposed to tell him?"

   "What you feel thats what most woman would do when the man they love might die," I didnt argue instead for once I actually listened.

   His breathes were even and his eyes were peacefully closed as the wind glided through his hair, "This is beautiful," he said hoarsely his arms relaxed on Arisellas mane.

   "Did you mean it? When you said you wanted me?" I gulped. "Through all my craziness..." I broke off.

   He didnt say anything for a second as his eyes twitched under his shut lids, "I didnt want to like you when we first met you knew that... I thought you were childish and you acted on to many feelings but I have grown to admire that. I'm a man of pride I will admit but when it comes to you I'm learning things all the time, I've grown to love everything about you and because of that you will always have me. As your friend," he paused finally opening his eyes and looking up at me giving me a faint smiled. "Or if I live a day more I would like to be the person you call your home." It was rare for Ash to open up to me but as he laid there taking in the sky he poured his every thought out.

   The tears stung in my eyes, "I've never met anyone quit like you," I smiled as he grinned back unable to look back at me. "You test my limits and even when I push you away... or lost my way you bring me back. I want you to know how special you are to me." Its the biggest regret anyone could have, not loving enough.

   "I already know," he frowned trying to look back at me but his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body went limp again.

   "He's unconscious," I said looking up in panic as Arisella dove down past the castle to the witches grounds that was being set up in an empty field.

    Everyone rushed to us as I screamed for them to get me Ophella. I called for her blindly until she came running out of a tent her white dress flowing behind her. "He's been linked to Scarlets death I need you to help him, tell me you can help him please," I kept rambling as my heart beat faster and faster. All I could think was I couldnt lose anymore people I cared about. This wasnt his time, I knew it.

   "I cant give you any guarantees due to the dark witches limiting our practice, my magic isnt strong but with your help we can unlink them."

   "What do I have to do?" I asked, "I'll do anything."

   I bent down with Ophella as Gregory laid Ash on the grass his chest moving in and out at a slow rate. He didnt have much time. "I need a memory," she said lightly her face full of sorrow. "The brightest memory you have... this might seem simple but you need to know this will affect you. You might be the same or you might be a completely different person, without certain memories you won't have certain feelings or attachments that came with them."

   Berella stepped forward, "You cant Nadia. You dont know what she'll be taking!"

   "But Ash will be alive," I said looking up at her, "If you wouldn't do the same for me then I will let him die."

   She gulped, "You're going to regret this," and I was sure I would.

   "Lets do this."


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